Woh Toh Hai Albelaa 18th October 2022 Written Update: Sayuri and Nakul in danger.

Woh Toh Hai Albelaa 18th October 2022 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Rishi insulting Kusum and threatens to pick his call anytime. Kusum doesn’t answer and he threatens her by stopping the car close to Kanha. Rishi lies to Kanha that they kept a bet that he would scare Kanha but Kanha says he’s not scared. Rishi leaves taunting him. Kanha asks Kusum to say the truth but Kusum still lies. She apologizes in her mind as she’s ready to sacrifice her happiness from her family and leaves. Kanha asks Nakul to keep a watch on Rishi and Nakul agrees. Kanha wakes up startled hearing Sayuri’s shout and learns that she’s shouting for weight gaining. Kanha goes back to sleep.

Sayuri gets ready to go for college when Dadi brings snacks for Sayuri. Sayuri says tht she understands their concern but she asures that she would take care of herself. Dadi leaves taunting her. Kanha calls Sayuri to leave her in college. Rishi is with his friends who advises them to keep their wife in control. He speaks so low of Kusum when Nakul comes there. Nakul couldn’t hear him and come closer to him. Rishi sees him through mirror and changes his statement and also changes his words. Nakul gets confused while Rishi fumes that Nakul followed him.

Sayuri is with Nakul in car and is on video call with Kanha they both romance with each other and Nakul teases them. Kanha finds some weird bike guys near their car and warns them about it. He feels something wrong and asks them to be careful. Sayuri agrees and cuts the call. She feels thirsty and asks for water from Nakul. Nakul gets down from the car when suddenly the bikers reappear. Sayuri panics but before she could do anything the bikers attack Nakul with a rod at the back of his head. Sayuri rushes to Nakul and finds blood at the back of his head and panics. She falls down as she’s about to cary him and loses her conscious.

Kanha comes there as savior and rescues both. Rashmi is at Chaudhary mansion when Kanha comes there with imnjured Nakul. Everyone panics as Kanha narrates what happened. Rashmi blames Sayuri for not taking care of Nakul as he’sin this condition only to protect her. Kanha asks her not to say so. Doctor checks Nakul andsays he’s thanfully fine when Sayuri comes ther. Both Nakul and Sayrui where concerned about one another over themselves and Rashmi gets jealous. Kausum suspects Rishi behind it.

Precap : Sayuri will suspect Rishi behind the incident. Sonone will be about to attack sleeping Kanha and Sayuri but Kanha holds the knife.

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