Main Hoon Aparajita 11th November 2022 Written Update On
The episode starts with Mohini asking disguised Disha why Citi hospital people are saying they didn’t send any ambulance. Disha says it can be a prank and if you want we can drop Dadi here as we don’t care if she lives or dies. Dadi acts like she is in pain. Mohini asks them to take Dadi with them. Nia notices Asha’s face when an ambulance is leaving. She thinks these people are so good and love Dadi so much that’s why they take this risk. Aparajita returns home. She asks the men to place the dining table inside. She senses Amma’s kheer smell. She asks Guffran if Amma sends her kheer. Amma comes out and says she is here. Aparajita feels happy and takes her blessing. Amma feeds her kheer. Aparajita asks how she came. Amma reveals how her daughters bring her to surprise their mom. Aparajita hugs her daughters.
Mohini says something is wrong as hospital people are saying Dadi is not admitted to the hospital. Mohini is about to call the police station. Nia stops her and reveals to her that she knows where Dadi is. Mohini asks what. Aparajita tells her daughters she loves their surprise and asks how they bought Amma. Asha reveals how they kidnapped Dadi. Aparajita says it’s good you bought Amma here but this is not the way and it may stress your dad as they may be searching for Dadi in the hospital. Disha asks her to not think about them and asks her to enjoy her birthday. Amma asks Chavi to get the bowls to distribute kheer. Guffran gifts a cell cover to Aparajita. Amma asks Aparajita to stay happy and assures her that she will handle Akshay.
Manish and Akshay meet Mla. Manish apologizes to Mla from Akshay’s side. Mla apologizes to Akshay for commenting on his personal life. Manish says you have a big heart. Mla says he is ready to give them land and asks them to finish the assignment on time. Akshay agrees. Mla says the deal is finalized. They leave. Mla receives a call from his men and learns Veer thrashed Vicky for Chavi Singh. Mla sees the photo.
Veer goes to the top of the building thinking about Chavi’s rejection. Amma asks Aparajita why she purchased a new dining table. Aparajita says she bought it for half price as she doesn’t want her daughters to face any discomfort. Guffran says he will stop the washing machine. Chavi says she will stop it and goes out. Aparajita says now Akshay may learn that you’re not at home and hospital. Manish says to Akshay it’s good that deal was finalized successfully. Akshay says Mohini called me thrice during the meeting, hope everything is fine. That time he receives a call and gets shocked.
Chavi turns off the washing machine. She sees a video message from Veer that he is going to die in the sector 10 building if she didn’t come to meet him in 15m. Chavi gets shocked and she rushes to save Veer. Chavi meets Veer and asks why he did it. Veer says I tested you to know if you love me or not. He ties her hands and Feet. He asks her to save him if she loves him otherwise he will be dead. Chavi says she can’t break her mom’s trust. Veer asks her to him if she loves him or not. Disha notices Chavi is not at home. She informs Aparajita. Aparajita calls Chavi and feels restless when she didn’t attend her call. Veer asks Chavi to tell him I love you if she wants to save him. Veer goes to the end of the building. Chavi unties herself and saves Veer on time. She hugs him in tears and tells him she loves him so much and wants to live with him all her life. Veer says no one can separate them. He hugs her back. Chavi gets tensed seeing her mom’s call. Aparajita asks Disha to call Chavi. Disha says she is not attending. Aparajita says to Amma that she will search for Chavi. She is about to leave. Akshay cones there. Amma says she came here by her will. Aparajita asks if he came to fight. Akshay says you’re not qualified to fight with me. Aparajita says she is going to search for Chavi. Akshay points out her upbringing and reveals to her that Chavi is having affair with Mla’s son. Aparajita asks who told him. It’s shown how Mla called him and warned Akshay that he won’t leave them if something happens to his son and his political career because of his daughter. Aparajita feels shattered. Akshay says you failed to become a good wife and now you proved that you’re not a good mom and he points to her upbringing. Aparajita asks him to not talk about upbringing which is not in his syllabus. Akshay says I did a mistake by leaving my kids with you and we don’t know where Chavi went. That time Chavi returns home.
Episode ends.
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