Woh Toh Hai Albelaa 11th November 2022 Written Update On SerialGossip.in
The episode starts with Kanha going with Sayuri to kitchen to make tea. He’s worried about her. They bring tea for everyone when they suddenly hear breaking sounds. They rush to check for it and finds the flower pots broken. They get relieved that guards are safe. Guards assure that they would take care of the outside and asks them to go in. The get in and spends sleepless nights.
Next morning, Yash comes there dragging a man and asks if anyone know them. They all nod no. Yash says that Sayuri told him about the attacks on them and so he sent some of his men to guard their house. He says that they founf him and some others were with him too. He shows the mask and threat letter to them and they gets shocked. Kanha and Nakul are about to beat him up. Yash asks them to let him handle them as they have court hearing. Everyone thanks him.
Kanha and Nakul leave to go to court. Inspector finds Rishi drinking tea. He asks Rishi to come out while Rishi sits relaxed. Inspector gets angry at his behavior. They were about to take him away and just then Yash comes there with Rishi’s man. He says that it’s him who were scaring Chaudharys and Inspector arrests him.
Rishia nd his man passes glances. At Chaudhry house, everyone were relieved that they caught the culprit. Dadi suggests to keep a havan after all the mess gets resolved. Sayuri takes Kusum aside and says high about Yash to her. Kusum agrees with her and showers praises on Ysh too. Sayuri says about Yash sending flowers for her but Saroj hid it from her. She asks her to thank her calling hima nd she leaves.
Kusum calls Yash and thanks him for his help. He asks her not to as theya re friends and Kusum asks if he’s busy. Yash says no and says that he’s planning to go drink coffee. Kusum wants to join him and he understands her wish and invites her too. She agrees and Yash says that he would send his driver considering the situation and Kusum agrees.
Sayuri sends Kusum in the cara nd asks her to not worry. Soon as she left, another car arrives claiming thathe was sent by rishi.Sayuri gets shocked. On their way, Nakul and Kanha gets news that Rishi escaped from jail. Upon reaching home Sayuri informs thema bout Kusum’s kidnap. They rushes to find her. Kusum gives the mobile to driver for charging.
Precap: Kusum runs away from the kidnapper’s hold. Kanha and Nakul’s vehicle gets punctured by nails and they understand that someone as voluntarily put them on road to stop them. They will get worried. Kusu will get hold of her mobile and will call Sayuri but Rishi catches her before she could speak and will threaten her with knife.
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