Main Hoon Aparajita 23rd March 2023 Written Update: Mohini tries to kill Dadi

Main Hoon Aparajita 23rd March 2023 Written Update On

The episode starts with Mohini saying to the NGO women about Aparajita’s misdeeds and complaints to the NGO women about Aparajita. Mohini also asks Nia to tell the NGO woman what really happened. Nia says to NGO women that whatever her mother said is the truth. Nia says Aparajita left her to die in a fire. Mohini plays the victim card infront of NGO women. Aparajita asks the NGO women to go into the street and ask anyone who is Akshay’s wife and they will get the answer.

Mohini says to the NGO women that Aparajita got married when she was 17 years old then how can they get a divorce. Aparajita agrees and says she was a child when she got married. Aparajita also reminds the NGO women that if a child marriage is not aborted within 2 years then it will be legal. The NGO women after hearing both sides of their argument ask Akshay if he really married Aparajita or not? Akshay admits in front of everyone that he married Aparajita and didn’t take divorce. Akshay says to Mohini that what she did is wrong.

Akshay leaves from there. Mohini asks The NGO women to help her. The NGO women scold Mohini for trying to steal Aparajita’s husband and say they will not help her. The NGO women leave from there. Aparajita says to Mohini that this is her first counter against Mohini and says she will take back everything that she took one by one. Mohini thinks she should send Dadi out of this world before the reports come here.

Aparajita goes to the kitchen leaving Dadi alone. Mohini thinks this is the chance and tries to kill Dadi with a pillow. Aparajita comes back and sees Mohini holding a pillow over Dadi. Aparajita comes and asks Mohini what is she doing? Mohini says she came here to check on Dadi. Aparajita asks Dadi what is Mohini doing? But Dadi couldn’t answer Aparajita. Aparajita warns Mohini to stay away from Dadi and says her true face will be revealed once the report comes.

Mohini calls Manish and asks him to do something so that the reports wouldn’t come here. Manish says it is not possible and says the doctor is Akshay’s family doctor and if we try to buy him then he can tell Akshay and we can’t afford that. Manish asks Mohini to think what she should she do after Akshay gets the reports. Mohini thinks of a plan to be safe.

Aparajita helps Chavi bandage her wounds and talks about Nia. Chavi comments on Aparajita for worrying about Nia. Aparajita says Nia is just a child.

Arjun tries to cheer Disha and Asha. Arjun comments on Disha. Disha argues with Arjun about Nia.

Aparajita comes into kitchen and sees that it is messed up. Aparajita cleans the kitchen and prepares tiffin for the kids. Mohini comes and asks Aparajita to leave and says she has to make tiffin for her husband. Aparajita agrees. Mohini tries to make tiffin but it gets burnt. Mohini sees Aparajita has made paratha. Aparajita leaves from there. Mohini steals Paratha from the top to feed Akshay.

Mohini comes and calls Akshay who is spending the time with Dadi for tiffin. Mohini says to Akshay she made Paratha for him. Akshay tastes the Paratha and spits it out as there is cabbage in it and he doesn’t like cabbage. Aparajita comes and says to Mohini that she knows Mohini will steal the Paratha as it is her character to steal what belongs to others that’s why she put Gobi Paratha on the top. Akshay tastes Aprajita’s food and praises her. Akshay takes the doctors call and says the doctor is coming here to meet them. Mohini tries to stop Akshay from meeting the doctor by saying he has to take Nia to the doctor. Akshay says he will take Nia to the doctor and will also meet the doctor coming to see Dadi.

Mohini sees that Aparajita left Dadi alone and thinks this is the right time for her to kill and throw the blame on Aparajita as she is giving the medicine to Dadi. Aparajita and Disha come and see Mohini beside Dadi. Mohini sees Aparajita and Disha so she drops the injection that she thought of injecting to Dadi. Akshay comes with the doctor. Mohini asks Akshay what is he doing here? Akshay says he called Nia’s doctor and the doctor asked him to bring Nia after 2 weeks. Akshay asks their family doctor what does he want to say? The family doctor says to Akshay that Dadi got injected with some kind of slow poison but it got injected to Dadi in a big dose.

Episode ends.

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