Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti 13th July 2023 Written Update: Nandu gives advice to Shakti

Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti 13th July 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Mandira saying to Shakti that she will see how Shakti will become a doctor. Shakti makes a comment and says she doesn’t want Mandira’s signature. Nandu sees Mandira arguing with Shakti. Rimjim comes to Shakti. Mandira calls security seeing Rimjim. Shakti takes her application from Mandira and leaves the Kashyap mansion.

Shiv looks at himself in the mirror and says sorry and thanks to himself. Shiv later decides to take a bath.

Rimjim complaints about Koyal’s deeds. Shakti prays to God to show her a way out. Nandu stops Shakti and asks Shakti what does she want? Shakti comments about Mandira’s behaviour. Rimjim and Shakti lash out at Nandu. Nandu asks them for a time out and says he is their friend. Nandu says Gayatri asked him to check if Mandira signed on her documents or not? Shakti says Mandira will never sign on her documents. Nandu says there is another person who can sign on these documents and it is his brother Shiv Kashyap. Shakti feels hopeful hearing this. Nandu says they can’t go through the main door as if Mandira sees them there will be a lot of trouble. Nandu says to Shakti that she needs to climb the pillar to go to Shiv. Rimjim asks Shakti not to think about it. Shakti says she will do it and climbs the pillar.

Shakti’s Dupatta gets stuck but she pulls her Dupatta and climbs the pillar. Shakti comes into Shiv’s room through the window. Shakti looks for Shiv. Shiv hears Shakti’s voice. Shiv sees that it is a woman and thinks who is she? Shakti hears Shiv from the dressing room. Shakti says Nandu sent her. Shiv thinks this woman is another match brought by his family. Shiv says to Shakti that he doesn’t want to meet her. Shakti thinks this is her last chance and decides to convince Shiv Kashyap no matter what. Shakti decides to go into the dressing room to meet Shiv.

Shakti runs into Shiv. Shiv falls on the floor. Shakti gets scared seeing Shiv half naked as he is only with a towel. Shiv sees Shakti and runs into the bathroom.

Shiv asks Shakti what is she doing in his room? Shakti sees Shiv and understands that it is the one who helped her last time. Shakti says to Shiv that she needs his signatures. Mandira calls Shiv. Shakti thinks if Mandira saw her here her dreams will only be dreams. Shiv asks Shakti to leave from here.

Shakti sees Shiv’s doctor coat and puts her application in Shiv’s doctor’s coat. Mandira comes to Shiv’s room.

Shakti thinks if Mandira saw her here her game is finished. Shakti hides from Mandira. Mandira later leaves from there. Shakti seeing this decides to escape from the window. Shakti runs into Shiv again. Shiv sees his locket around Shakti’s neck and points his finger at it. Shakti thinks Shiv is pointing his finger at her. Shiv tries to talk about the locket. But Shakti misunderstands that Shiv is threatening her to call on the cops. Shakti tries to leave through the window but she slips due to the the lamp wire and is about to fall. Shiv catches the lamp with one hand and catches Shakti with other hand. Mandira hears some noise from Shiv’s room and goes to his room. Shiv and Shakti hear Mandira coming to this room. Shakti pleads with Shiv to do her work and says she will leave from there. Shiv agrees.

Episode ends.

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