Parineetii Upcoming Story: Parineet reveals the truth

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Parineeti is a popular Colors TV show. This show always keeps its viewers hooked on the show with many revelations and twists. Now, the series focuses on Sanju stays stubborn

In a recent episode, we see; Pariminder family arrived to the temple. They learnt that Sanju and Parineet haven’t reach yet. Bebe thought that they met with an accident it seems. They came there. They finished the rasam together. The priest ask Parineet to change her dress and wear the dhuppatta on her head while taking pehras with Sanju.

Neeti hears it. She thinks that she is going to take a pehras with Sanju not Parineet . Neeti locked Parineet inside the room. She wears her dhuppatta and takes pehras with Sanju on Parineet’s place. Parineet shouts to open the door.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Babli will say to Parineet that she looks good in this attire. She doesn’t like her wore the attire she wore while taking pehras. Parineet tells her that she didn’t take pehras. Bebe will scold Neeti. Meanwhile, Parminder asks Parineet who take pehras with Sanju then? Chandrika says that only Neeti do it.

What will happen next? Will Rajeev find the truth? Will Bebe’s truth be disclosed?

The upcoming episode will answer all our questions. Stay tuned to our space for more updates

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