Parineetii 9th January 2024 Written Update: Parineet gives a fitting reply to Neeti

Parineetii 9th January 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Neeti trying her wedding dress. She thinks that Sanju will flattered seeing her in it. She asks Sukhwinder if Sanju like it? Sukhwinder removed everything from her and says that she shouldn’t mention his name. Sanju doesn’t like her anymore. He is changed he is loving Parineet. Neeti denied it. Sukhwinder says that if she stays quiet nothing will change. She asks Bebe to advise Neeti. Neeti refuses to listen them. Bebe and Sukhwinder leaves from there. Neeti thinks that Sanju only loving her but mom doesn’t know anything. Meanwhile, Amith notices Babli lost in her thoughts. She tells him that she don’t understand how did the fire caught in this house. The fire caught after they left. She feels like someone intentionally did it. She thinks that Neeti did it. Amith says that she won’t do like this. Babli says that she already did manythings. Sanju says that he won’t leave Neeti this time. Amith says that she would have done in to harm Parineet. We don’t have any evidence against her. Sanju says that he doesn’t care. He won’t leave her this time. The next day, Neeti apologize to her mom for being rude with her. Sukhwinder says that she can understand her pain. She can’t see her in a pain. Neeti asks Sukhwinder to accompany her to the temple. Sanju’s wedding is cancelled. Sukhwinder says that she will get married tomorrow or day after tomorrow. She asks Neeti to forget Sanju. Neeti says that she don’t like this from her.

Sanju comes there. Neeti welcomes him happily. She asks Sukhwinder to bring the snacks. Sanju refuses to eat it. He says to Neeti that he came here for an important work. He doesn’t know what’s going on other’s mind. But he is clear in his point. He came to give this card to Neeti. It’s his wedding card. Neeti says that he can’t marry in that house. Sanju says that everything is alright now. The priest says that he can marry Parineet today. Neeti asks him why he is doing it all? Sanju says that he is clear in his point. She can attend his wedding. She can visit his house for one last time. He asks her not to come in front of him after this. He asks her to go far from his life. Sanju says that he is thinking that she is trying to harm Parineet. He makes her shut up. He gives a warning to her and leaves. Neeti thinks that she is coming to meet her for a last time.

Meanwhile, Parineet is getting ready for her wedding. She thinks about Neeti. She thinks if Neeti attended this wedding and help her. She is surprised to see Neeti there. She sends the make-up artist from there. She says that her friend will help her to get ready. Neeti asks Parineet if she thinking she will help her to get ready? She betrayed her and expecting it from her. She ruined her life. She didn’t come here to congratulate her. She came here to curse her. She can’t get happy after snatching her happiness from her. She never thought that she will curse her. She can’t bless her. She snatched everything from her. Nothing will last in her life. Everything will go from her life. Parineet asks Neeti why she is silent say something. She can curse her whatever she want. Curse will turns true when her heart is clean. She isn’t her old Neeti. She tried to kill her manytimes. She did all the wrong thing. She tried to break all the relationship with her. She didn’t respect her friend. She didn’t even trust her husband.

Parineet says that her wrong deeds united them. She is about to mention her baby as Neeti’s. She says that it’s not her baby but Parineet and Sanju’s baby. Neeti is shocked to hear it. Meanwhile, Bebe trying to provoke Gurinder. Gurinder complaints that she didn’t do anything to stop the wedding. Parineet asks Neeti If she said anything wrong? She asks her to prove that she was wrong. Neeti couldn’t see other’s pain. She wants her happiness. She didn’t see how much Sanju was in pain after she left him. She saw his pain. Everyone in this family loved Neeti but she insulted them. Neeti ruined her own life. Parineet isn’t responsible for it. If she stays here then they will hate her more. Neeti leaves from there. Later, Parminder asks Bebe and Gurinder to get ready asap.

Episode end

Precap: Neeti vows to stop the wedding.

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