Chand Jalne Laga 30th January 2024 Written Update: Deva’s love for Tara

Chand Jalne Laga 30th January 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Nana asking Savithri to stay with Deva. Savithri tells him that Deva facing these problems in his life because of her. She wants his happiness. She decided to leave. Deva asks them to stop. He asks Vasanth Kakka to take back their luggage. Tara complaints to Jyothi that she is leaving her daughter-in-law in such situation. She asks her to stay. Deva asks her hem to stay with them. Nana tries to convince him. Deva says that they are human beings. It’s normal to commit mistakes. He has to forgive them. Deva says to Savithri that he needs time to forgive her for whatever she did to Tara. He asks Prakash to go inside. Deva calls him mom to come inside and kisses her. Tara thanked Deva. Jyothi stops them. He says that she has to do her rights. She asks Tara to do her Grahpravesh. Tara completed it. Savithri thinks that she lost her respect because of Tara. She will definitely take revenge on her. Later, Deva preparing tea for Tara. Preethi tells him that Tara is lucky to get a husband like him in her life.

Deva thanked Preethi for made him understand the situation. Preethi tells him it’s hard to live without a husband. At least they have the chance to live together. They shouldn’t miss it. Preethi tells him that she will prepare the milk for Tara. Deva leaves from there. Madhav comes there. She heard the foot steps. She burns the spoon and place it on his hand. She warns him to stay away from her. Tara advises her that she shouldn’t stay quiet in such situation. She will raise out her voice. She leaves from there. Madhav thinks that she became bold. He shouldn’t allow it. Meanwhile, Preethi gives the food and medicine to Tara. Deva says to his assistant that he won’t come to the office today reasoning Tara isn’t well. He asks him not to call him again.

Tara says to Deva that Preethi is there to take care of her. He shouldn’t worry about her. Preethi leave from there. Madhav thinks that he have to plan something to get her back. Deva agrees to go to the office. He notices that his shirts are missing. New shirts are inside the cupboard. Deva asks her if she wanted to change him. Tara says that she tried to change him. Deva tells her that he doesn’t know whether he looks good in the colorful clothes. He used to wear black and white. Tara tells him that he will look good in color dress. Deva says that he will try to change himself for her. He asks her to choose for him. She helps him. Deva says that he wanted to go out with her. He will take her out after he go to the office. Tara asks Preethi to help her to decorate the room. She wanted to give a surprise to Deva. Preethi says that it’s looking amazing. Tara thanked her for helping her a lot. Preethi says that they were good people. She won’t allow anyone to come between them. Tara’s nuptial chain stuck on her hair. Preethi helps her to remove it.

Madhav abducts Preethi. He is making fun of her. Deva tried to call Tara but she didn’t attended the call. Preethi tries to call someone. Madhav misbehaves with her. Preethi recalls Tara’s advise. She attacks him and runs from there. Deva asks Tara what’s she need? She asks him to bring a flower for her from the temple. He nodded to her.

Episode end

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