Mera Balam Thanedaar 25th September 2024 Written Update: Bulbul’s selfless act

Mera Balam Thanedaar 25th September 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Bulbul revealing the truth with Sulakshana. She complaints to Varadha that she is joking with them. Bulbul asks her not to cry. She will fall sick. Varadha asks her why she is lying to them? She is taking the blame on her for some reason. She is trying to save someone. He asks her to reveal the truth. Bulbul says that this time it was her fault. She knew the truth but she hide it from them. Geeta comes there. Sulakshana slaps Bulbul and says that Veer loves his uniform. He became a police after lots of struggle but she gifted this to him. How will he sustain this? She lashes out at Bulbul. Vaayu says that she considered him as her friend then why did she hide it from him? Why did she betrayed them. Varadha asks her if she burnt the horoscope to hide her real age from them? Because her real age is mentioned in it. Veer calls Druv and inform him that he has to arrest a criminal. He mentioned his name to him. Bulbul is shocked to hear it. Varadha asks him what’s he doing? Sulakshana questions him why is he doing like this? He isn’t a criminal. He didn’t betrayed anyone. He didn’t commit any mistakes.

Bulbul swears on her mom that she tried a lot to reveal the truth to him. Veer asks her if he asked anything to her in their relationship? He just asked her to be loyal with him. He requested her not to lie with him. Bulbul says to him that she wasn’t aware that she is minor when she married to him. It’s all her dad mistake. He created a fake certificate for his selfish motive. Geeta tried to reveal the truth to him by sent a note to him. But Viyuk mistakenly burnt it. Geeta says that Bulbul is saying the truth. Bulbul asks her, how did she got hurt? Geeta says that Devendra hide the truth from her. Veer asks Bulbul why didn’t she revealed the truth to him, when she came to know it? Geeta says that she tried to reveal the truth and release him from this relationship but she stopped her. As a mom, she couldn’t see her daughter struggling. Bulbul says that she tried to reveal the truth to him but she didn’t. She is scared to lose him. She doesn’t want to lose him in her life. She got him in an unexpected situation but she wants to keep this relationship forever. The truth is she loves him a lot.

He recalls their moments. Bulbul asks him, doesn’t he remember that she assured him to reveal her truth on 7th November. She wanted to start a new life with him after confessed the truth to him. She will become 18 on that day. She thought to hide the truth till that day. She never thought that her truth will be out in front of him in this way. Veer says that he never thought that she is cunning like this. He always considered her as an innocent girl. Bulbul says that she is scared to reveal the truth because of Posco act. She doesn’t want to hurt his family and him. Veer asks her how will he face everyone hereafter? She knew well how much he hates underaged marriage. She made him criminal now. He leaves from there. Bulbul shares her grief with Geeta. The commissioner comes there. Veer returns his uniform to him and says that he married to an underaged girl. Sulakshana asks him to take it back. He isn’t a criminal. Bulbul says that Veer is innocent. He didn’t do any mistakes. He doesn’t know about her real age. Drishti says that he will go to the jail. Bulbul can’t stay in this house anymore. Bulbul denied it. She shows the fake certificate to him and proved that he is innocent. Devendra did it all. Jain says that she doesn’t want to register their wedding before her birthday. She postponed it with his help. He shows the form to him. The commissioner says that he isn’t fault in it. Bulbul says that she promised to him that she won’t allow anything to affect his family and him. She asks the commissioner to arrest her. Geeta supports her daughter.

Episode end

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