Mangal Lakshmi 4th October 2024 Written Update: Adit agrees to Sowmya’s request

Mangal Lakshmi 4th October 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Sowmya saying to Adit that she hasn’t done anything and says someone incited him against her. Adit says no one incited him. Adit says he saw the proof. Adit says to Sowmya she is the one who took the phone from Lakshmi wearing a Gurkha and filed the police case against him. Adit says the tattoo on her foot is clearly in the photo of Sowmya’s tattoo. Adit says to Sowmya that she was always upto something but he forgive her thinking that she is in love with him but what kind of love is this that she wants to send him to jail and humiliate him. Adit says to Sowmya that Kusum is right about her and says he should have never fallen in love with her. Sowmya says it is fine if he really believes that she filed the police case against him.

Sowmya breaks the mirror and takes the glass shard into her hand. Sowmya threatens to slit her wrist with the glass shard infront of Adit. Adit asks Sowmya what is she doing and takes the glass shard away from her and throws it away.

Sowmya asks Adit why did he save her. Sowmya asks Adit how can he believe that she will file the police case against him. Sowmya says she would never do that. Sowmya says this is Lakshmi’s plan to save herself and throw the blame on her. Adit says her tattoo is clearly shown in the photo. Sowmya reminds Adit that there is something called photoshop. Sowmya says to Adit how Kusum and Mangal came to her and scolded her and comments on it. Adit apologises to Sowmya for misunderstanding her. Adit says a lot of things happened nowadays and comments on it. Sowmya tries to convince Adit to leave Mangal. Adit says it is not possible as with Mangal there is Kusum, Sudesh and his kids also. Sowmya says to Adit that Kusum and Sudesh might be angry with him for some time if he leaves Mangal but they will later forgive him when they see him happy with her and comments on it. Adit thinks about it and agrees to
Sowmya’s request. Adit says they will get married and asks Sowmya to take Mangal’s signature on the divorce papers. Sowmya agrees.

Mangal and Kusum see that Adit and Mangal’s photo frame has fallen on the floor and it is broken. Kusum seeing it thinks about Sowmya and Adit and gets emotional.

A wind comes and blows off Mangal and Adit’s photo frame. Mangal asks Kusum why is she being emotional and says it is just a photo frame. Kusum says this might be a bad omen and comments on it.

Sowmya calls Lipika and says to Lipika to do her work quickly. Lipika asks Sowmya not to speak like that and says she is having a panic attack. Sowmya asks Lipika to do her work if not for her shock she will directly go to mental asylum.

Gayatri learns from Sanjana that Karthik is preparing for Lakshmi’s birthday in their home. Gayatri thanks Sanjana for the information and cuts the call. Gayatri asks Umesh if this is the reason why he took her out today. Gayatri comments on Umesh and asks him to take her home right away.

Adit returns home and sees that Kusum is emotional seeing the broken photo frame of Adit and Mangal. Mangal asks Adit to talk to Kusum as she is getting emotional seeing the broken photo frame. Adit says to kusum that it is just a photo frame and says they will get a new one and comments on it. Kusum says some old things can never be replaced and says she bought this photo frame after their marriage and comments on it. Mangal fixes the photo frame using gum. Kusum seeing it praises Mangal. Kusum subtly hints Adit to never think going to Sowmya. Adit agrees.

Shanti sees Lipika is taking some documents to Lakshmi’s birthday party and asks Lipika what are they. Lipika says these are documents regarding her college. Shanti asks Lipika if she upto something and comments on it.

Episode ends.

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