Parineeti Upcoming Story: Sanju Confesses his Love to Neeti Requests to Marry

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Colors TV’S popular show Parineeti has always managed to keep the audience hooked to their screens with it’s high voltage drama. The show is taking many twists and turns.Neeti comes to Parvathi and tells her that she has been betrayed by all those People that has been with her and she has this issues with everyone and tells Parvathi that she is Broken.

Ambika lashes out at her and tells her that she don’t want to See her face after the way they have been Hurt her Daughter to which Neeti tells her that she is here to clear the mess.Neeti Gets Excited Neeti tells Parvathi that she is her Best Friend and she wants her to be with her but now she has understood what kind of People Gurinder and Bebe are. Neeti tells Gurinder and Bebe to apologise to Parvathi.

She tells them that she can’t tolerate such behaviour from them. Ambika Enjoys whatever has happened there.Sanju makes Parvathi Jealous to make her Confess and gets close to Neeti. He Confesses that he is in Love with her and asks her to Marry him to which he gets Excited.

What will Happen Next?

What will Sanju do?

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