Anupama 22nd October 2024 Written Update: Prem and Anupama meets Rahi.

Anupama 22nd October 2024 Written Update on

In today’s episode, Bubbly gets excited to see Prem. The kids welcome Prem. Rahi thinks no one needs a tour guide nowadays. She thinks Ganwani’s men are keeping an eye on them. Vyas thanks Anupama for doing so much for the orphanage. The kids sing lullaby. Anupama realizes that Rahi is her daughter. She looks for Rahi. Vyas tells Anupama that he finds Rahi at the temple during Dusherra. Anupama tells Vyas that Rahi is her daughter. She asks Prem to find Adhya for her.

Jhanki told Paritosh that because of low-quality food, the client returned the order. She accuses Paritosh and decides to talk to Anupama. Paritosh calls himself boss. Jhanki and other ladies refuse to work with Paritosh.

Anupama meets Rahi. She gets happy to see Rahi. Rahi pushes away Anupama. Pakhi worries about Ishani. Leela taunts Pakhi for sending Ishani to the picnic. Pakhi asks Leela to stop troubling her more. Leela asks Pakhi to call Ishani’s friends. Pakhi tells Leela that she doesn’t have Ishani’s friend number. Paritosh returns home and tells Leela that Jhanki refuses to work with him. Leela worries that Anupama will get angry at Paritosh.

Anupama tells Rahi that she was trying to find her for a long time. Rahi disowns Anupama. Anupama asks Rahi to tell why she escaped. Rahi refuses to accept Anupama. Anupama says Adhya can change her name, but she can’t change the fact that she is her daughter. Rahi asks Anupama to leave her alone. Anupama questions Rahi about leaving her.

Ganwani decides to throw Vyas and the kids out of the orphanage. Vyas pleads Ganwani. Ganwani asks Vyas to leave the place along with the kids. Vyas gets emotional. There, Anupama asks Rahi not to leave her. Rahi pushes Anupama. Anupama asks Prem to bring back Rahi. She asks Prem to catch Rahi.

Paritosh decides to sell the returned order to the shops. Leela confronts Paritosh on firing the ladies. Paritosh asks Leela not to teach him business. He asks Leela to handle the house. Prem asks Rahi about disowning Anupama. Rahi says Anupama is not a good mother. Anupama asks Rahi to tell her mistake. She pleads with Rahi to return home. -Episode Ends

Precap: Rahi tells Anupama that she left the house because of her. Anupama asks Rahi to return home. Ganwani asks Vyas to

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