Rabb Se Hai Dua 29th October 2024 Written Update: Subhan lashes out at Mannat

Rabb Se Hai Dua  29th October 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Ibadat asking Hameeda about Dua’s condition? She asks her how did she fainted? Hameeda narrates the incident to her. Ibadat prays for her recovery. Dua gains her consciousness. She blabbers to her. She fears that Gazal is back to kill her. Ibadat assures her that she is alright. She is safe there. Ibadat questions Kashaf. She manages to lie with her. Hameeda gets suspicious. She asks Kashaf why she is sweating. She manages to lie with herm She is about to question Kashaf about the incident. Dua asks Subhan to sit beside her. She inquires him about his date with Ibadat. She asks Ibadat if everything is alright between them? She is looking dull. Ibadat asks her to take care of herself. Everything is alright between them. Mannat asks her why she is lying to Dua. She forced her to reveal the truth to Dua. Dua pressurized Ibadat to reveal the truth. Subhan says to her that nothing was going well between them. He still loves Mannat. He wants to divorce Ibadat and marry Mannat. Dua asks him what’s he saying?

Ibadat complaints that they don’t have a sense. They don’t even know how to handle a patient. They shouldn’t have open up this matter to her now. She adds that Subhan and Mannat pretends like fighting in front of them. Subhan deliberately gets close with her to create an evidence against her. He lied to her about the date and taken her to the family court. She was arguing in the court. Dua is shocked that hear it. Dua feels dizzy. Subhan tried to help her. Dua warns him to stay away from her. She demands them to leave from her sight. Ibadat says to her that she isn’t weak. She can’t lose in front of them. She knew to fight for herself. She assures Dua that she is strong enough to fight for herself. Meanwhile, Mannat is on cloud nine. She thinks that she proved Ibadat as characterless in the court. The judge will give the divorce to both of them. Subhan will be hers forever. Subhan says to Mannat that she didn’t do the right thing in the court. Mannat says that this was the only option to get divorce from her. She did this for Subhan.

Subhan says to Mannat that she did the wrong thing. She complaints that her hand is paining. He complaints that she gave more pain to him in the court then this. Mannat says that he was staring Ibadat with love. She used to betrayed him everywhere. Subhan says that he can’t do the same with her. He wanted divorce from her in a right way. He won’t insult her character for that. Mannat thinks that he can’t imagine what she is going to do tomorrow. Sufi is admiring Kashaf picture. He plans to propose her tomorrow. Armaan hears it. He thinks that he will propose her today itself. Gazal assures Kashaf that she won’t allow anyone to harm her when she is alive. Armaan comes there. Gazal hides from his sight. Kashaf thinks that her prey is here. She expected Sufi there. Ibadat comes there and dragged Armaan from there. She beats him for created a fake picture of hers. She lashes out at him for supporting Mannat against her. Gazal thinks that Ibadat helped them indirectly. Ibadat and Sufi are beating Armaan. Gulnaz and Nigar ask her to leave him. Mannat comes to support him. Ibadat says that she planned it all. She is about the beat her Subhan comes in front of her. Kaynaat stops Ibadat from beating Armaan.

Episode end

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