Apollena 25th February 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in
The episode starts with Sarswati asks Ira to impress Shlok before Apollena ironing Shlok’s clothes. She adds that she can’t do it because she hide the tools box. Apollena finds out that there is some problems in ironing box. She searched for the tools box but she couldn’t find it in that room. Sarswati keeping a close watch on her. Apollena thinks to search for the ironing box in Rupa’s room. Sarswati hides the ironing box from her room. Apollena thinks that Rupa informed her that she kept it here. Sarswati gives the ironing box to Ira to do it asap. Apollena notices them plotting against her. She makes video call to Madhu and inform her about it. She complaints that she can’t compete with them like this childishly. Its typical sasu and bahu drama. Madhu asks her why should she gives up her rights to someone else.
Apollena says that she isn’t interested in it. Madhu says that Shlok is her husband. Its her duty to take care of him. Apollena says that Sarswati wants to prove Ira is better one for Shlok. Apollena says that she can’t compete with them. Madhu says that she got married to him recently so she is thinking that he won’t leave her. Men heart will change after some days. On that day, she shouldn’t cry for him. Its better to hold her life tighter. Apollena says that she don’t have tool box to press the clothes or ironing box. She asks her to do it in a traditional method. Apollena burns the charcoal to iron the clothes. Sarswati thinks that she won’t allow her to succeed in this plan. She push the flower vase down to distract her. She poured water on her burning charcoal. Apollena gets frustrated to see it. Sarswati helps Ira to iron the clothes asap. She asks her to give the clothes to Shlok before Apollena. He has to understand that she cares for him a lot then Apollena. Ira gives the clothes to Shlok. He refuses to take it.
Ira says that only this clothes were ironed for him. Apollena brings the clothes and give it to Shlok. He asks her how did she know that he likes this dress? She says that she is his wife. He gives a flying kiss to her. Ira leaves from there in anger. Apollena scolds him for not doing his works by himself. Shlok asks her what’s the need to do it for him? Both turns away in anger but ends laughing together thinking about Ira’s frustrated face. Later, Sarswati vented out her anger on the clothes. She is determined to prove that Apollena isn’t worth for Shlok. Ira throws the things away in anger. She says that she wants Shlok at any cost. She will do anything for him. Sarswati asks her if she did anything without informing her. Ira lied to her. Shlok and Apollena comes there. Sarswati asks Apollena to stay in home and cook for Shlok. She takes Shlok to the temple. Apollena thinks that she don’t know to cook the curry. She checks the video. Sarswati message to Ira how to cook the dish. Madhu helps Apollena to share few cooking tips to her. Ira challenges Apollena that she will impress Shlok with her cooking. Apollena challenges her back that he will like her food. Later, Sarswati returns to home. Her phone is in Ira’s hand so she couldn’t help her. She goes to the outhouse to check Ira.
Episode end