Apollena 27th February 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in
The episode starts with Sarswati meeting a black magician secretly along with Ira. She says to her that Shlok and Ira liked each other. He started hating her out of the blue and get married to Apollena. He isn’t listening to them and supporting Apollena blindly. The black magician noticed the jewels she is wearing and smirks at her. She lies to Sarswati that Apollena trapped Shlok in her plan. No one can’t save him. Sarswati asks her to save her son from her. She says that she wants to do a Puja at her house. Sarswati takes the black magician to the home. She starts her puja. She says that if Apollena cast a spell on her son then this smoke will turns to black. As she said the smoke turns to black. Ira instigates Sarswati against Apollena and says that she cast a spell on him that’s why it turned black. Rupa comes there and ask them what’s going on here?
Sarswati asks her not to speak. The black magician says that she will burn this charcoal. Apollena can’t bear the smoke of it and come out of her room. She goes to her room and added some powered in the charcoal without anyone’s knowledge. Apollena and Shlok couldn’t stay in their room and come down. Apollena asks Sarswati what’s going on here? Sarswati says that she is a magician. She is very powerful person. Apollena says that she is a fraud. She shouldn’t believe someone like her. The black magician says to Sarswati that she is trying to confuse her. She adds that Apollena is a very cunning person. She cast a spell on Shlok. Apollena asks her to leave. The magician beats her with a broom. Shlok scolds her for touched his wife. He demands her to leave. The magician instigates her against Apollena. Apollena asks her to stop instigating her against her.
Apollena says that she shouldn’t believe in black magic. She is fooling her. She shouldn’t fall into her plan. Sarswati supports the magician and says that she trapped her son into her plan with the help of black magic. She is here to break the spell. Its her house so no one can send her out of this house. Shlok takes her from there. The magician says that she wants to arrange 100 hundred hawan. She wants money for it. Sarswati says that she don’t need to worry about money. She offered money to her. The magician says that she wants extra money. She can’t buy her with this small amount. She wants jewels. Sarswati gives her necklace to her. She adds that she wants to save her son from Apollena. She asks her to give this powder ro Apollena then everything will be sort out. Meanwhile, Apollena says to Shlok that she doesn’t know how to explain his mom she is a fraud. Shlok says that mom believing her. She adds that it’s a superstition Sarswati asks Apollena and Shlok to drink the water by adding the powder in it. She says that maharani gave it. Apollena refuses to drink it. Sarswati threatens her to drink it. Sarswati shares her secrets with Ira. Rupa hears it and threatens to reveal the truth to Shlok. Ira threatens to expose her truth. Apollena and Shlok ends up arguing with each other. He force her to drink the water for his mom. Apollena faints after drinking it.
Episode end