Apollena 3rd March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in
The episode starts with Girdar checking the papers. He says to Neil that all the papers are ready including bail paper. The court people comes there. Girdar shows the papers to them. He says to Girdar that they are not here to arrest him. He came here to free him from this case. He is innocent but they arrested him because Pallavi didn’t reach to the police station on time. They took charges on him for this reason. Girdar says that it means Pallavi is back. He says to Madhu that he informed her Pallavi isn’t a wrong person. She won’t betray him. She may be stuck in some problems on that day. He says that she released him today. Pallavi’s sister shows her ashes to him. Girdar is shocked to see it.
She says to Girdar that Pallavi was rushing to the court but met with an accident. She came back to do the final rituals to Pallavi. She learnt about Girdar’s arrest. If she has any idea about it earlier then she would have cleared the misunderstanding in the court. Girdar feels heartbroken to hear it. Madhu feels guilty for not believed Pallavi. Later, Apollena is taking notes from Rupa. Shlok says to her that he will cook for them today. He asks Vedh to help him out. Let’s impress everyone with their cooking. Sarswati gives the food to Mahadev. He praised the taste of the food. Mahadev asks him to concentrate on the business. He asks Shlok to accompany him to the shop. He denied it reasoning he has some other Passion. Apollena says that he can open a resturant here. Vedh says that it’s not an good idea to invest in restaurants in their first attempt. Apollena says that tiffen service is possible. Mahadev says that it will affect his reputation.
Apollena says that he can do it in London. No one will judge him there. Mahadev denied it and leaves. Later, Shlok is cleaning the dishes. Apollena apologized to him for taking the London topic in front of them. Shlok scolds her for talking nonsense in front of everyone. He says that she wanted to divorce him asap. She doesn’t care about his feelings at all. He leaves from there in anger. Apollena thinks that she can’t able to express him how much she loves him. She doesn’t want to divorce him. Later, Girdar shares his grief with Madhu. He feels sorry to Pallavi. Madhu feels guilty for not understanding her. She asks him to guide someone like Pallavi. Girdar says that he can’t find anyone like that. Madhu says that his daughter is there. He denied it reasoning she chose a love over her dreams. Madhu says that she married to Shlok for him. Later, Apollena and Shlok are hesitating to express their feelings for each other. Madhu reveals the truth to Girdar how did Mahadev threatens Apollena to marry Shlok.
Episode end