Jagriti 6th March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in
The episode starts with Suraj feeling deeply hurt by Sapna’s betrayal and gets surprised by learning Bhairav wanting to do Jagriti’s marriage with him. Suraj asks Trisha to go where she wants to go and never return here if not her parents will not be alive. Suraj leaves from there.
Jagriti says to Ganga that everyone thinks that she did the bridal swap but the truth is she didn’t do it. Ganga says to Jagriti that she knows Jagriti didn’t do it. Ganga says to Jagriti a girl who can’t stand seeing birds in a cage will never do this kind of thing. Jagriti thanks Ganga for trusting her but Akash doesn’t trust her. Ganga comments on Akash and asks Jagriti to talk to Akash alone. Jagriti agrees.
Sapna asks Akash to eat some food as he hasn’t eaten anything from yesterday. Akash says she also hasn’t eaten anything from yesterday. Sapna says because he hasn’t eaten anything and says she isn’t selfish like Jagriti. Sapna apologises to Akash for taking Jagriti’s name and upsetting his mood. Jagriti comes to Akash’s room and says to Akash that she would like to talk to him alone. Suraj comes and says to Sapna that he would also like to talk to her alone. Sapna leaves from there with Suraj.
Jagriti says to Akash that he hasn’t done the bridal swap and asks Akash to believe him. Akash comments on Jagriti and reminds Jagriti that she has always taken revenge on Suraj when he bullied her. Jagriti says she took revenge against Suraj because he was a bully. Jagriti reminds Akash if she wants to take revenge against him she could have told his truth to Kalikant. Akash asks Jagriti if she is threatening him. Jagriti says to Akash she just wants to tell him that she hasn’t taken any revenge on him. Akash comments on Jagriti. Jagriti is fed up with Akash not believing her. Jagriti says to Akash he can believe what he wants and comments on it. Jagriti leaves from there.
Suraj shows a diamond necklace to Sapna and says he wanted to gift her this diamond necklace after their marriage. Suraj later recalls Trisha’s words and gets emotional. Sapna seeing it misunderstands Suraj and says to Suraj that she also wants to be with him but they are stuck in this situation. Suraj says to Sapna that he also told Trisha how much she loves him but Trisha accused Sapna that she did it. Sapna drops the diamond necklace hearing Trisha’s name. Suraj asks Sapna if she knows Trisha. Sapna says she doesn’t who is Trisha and why she was wearing Jagriti’s bridal dress. Sapna realises she slipped her tongue and leaves from there. Suraj feels deeply hurt with Sapna’s betrayal.
Suraj drinks alcohol with Gungroo. Gungroo asks Suraj to come to the college as there is no meaning in taking holidays. Suraj comments and says there are a lot of unanswered questions like why did Bhairav Bahl wanted to do Jagriti’s marriage with him.
Jagriti sees Suraj’s cupboard is a mess. Jagriti goes to Suraj to ask him to clean it but she sees Suraj has tears in his eyes and she comforts him. Suraj says to Jagriti that she doesn’t even have any idea what kind of betrayal he has received and asks Jagriti to not like they are in the same situation.
Episode ends.