Doree 17th March 2025 Written Update on
The episode starts with Doree looking for Maan to apply Holi colour to him. Kavya looks for Maan to apply colour to him.
It is shown Kavya is shown to have overheard Dadi saying to
Doree that this is sacred colour that has been put at Krishna’s feet and says if Maan and Doree apply colour to each other then they will be together for life.
Kavya goes into the storeroom looking for Maan as she heard Ambica saying Maan was seen going into the storeroom.
Kavya comes into the storeroom and thinks Maan is in the storeroom and accidentally applies Holi colour to Lotiya. Lotiya seeing Kavya’s behaviour thinks she likes him and he comments on it. Maan sees Lotiya and Kavya and says they make together a great pair and comments on it. Kavya leaves from there.
Maan sees the message sent by Doree daring him to come infront of her and then escape from her.
Rajnandini comes to Deep and asks Deep what is he doing. Rajnandini reminds Deep that she has given him work. Deep says that everything is going according to their plan. Deep shows the video of Sattu getting intoxicated to Rajnandini. Rajnandini says good. Rajnandini says to Deep that she made a lot of arrangements for this day and comments on it.
Doree searches for Maan. Maan hides from Doree and teases her. Doree later overhears Ambica asking Pushpa where is Pratham’s
locket. Pushpa stays silent. Rajnandini comes and says to Ambica she has Pratham’s locket and gives it to Ambica. Rajnandini comments on Pushpa. Doree witnesses this and thinks if Pushpa doesn’t have connection with Shubhi who is the one that has connection with Shubhi.
Sattu comes to Thakur mansion intoxicated to apply Holi colour to Doree. Doree sees Sattu intoxicated and tries to handle him. Doree and Sattu fall into the dirt.
Ambica sees Doree and Sattu together in the dirt and comments on both of them. Ambica passes indecent comments on both Doree and Sattu. Deep learns from his friends that the dancer isn’t feeling well.
Deep beats up Sattu for misbehaving with Doree. Doree tries to stop Deep but Rajnandini stops Doree. Doree asks Deep to punish her for Sattu’s mistake and asks them not to punish Sattu anymore. Rajnandini agrees. Rajnandini says they should blacken Doree’s face for staining their family reputation. Deep comments on it and says to Rajnandini before that they should make Doree dance and asks Doree to dance infront if everyone.
Episode ends.