Ram Bhavan 19th March 2025 Written Update: Gayatri plans to use Isha as a bait

Ram Bhavan 19th March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

Episode starts with Om waking up with a hangover the other day. He realises he doesn’t recall a word feom a previous night and when he came back. Isha gets a call from Gayayri asking if she is still sleepjng. She is askwd to bring Gayatri’s tiffin from her house first and make it real quick. As per instructions Isha reaches Gayatri’s home. There she is greeted by Acharya and her wife. They give her the news of their younger son’s marriage. While cooking the daal, Om’s mother burns her hand and the daal gets damaged. Isha helps her and says shw will prearw the daal quickly. She dows it very quickly and packs it for Gayatri. While getting up in the auto, Om hits Isha on the road by mistake. He hurriedly tries to apologises when their phones get exchanged without them realising.

After sometime, Om and Isha fight again over their phones getting exchanged. They meet outside the Lotus Hotel and take ecah other’s phone back. Isha warns Om to not show his face to her again or else she will make a police compliantm even Om asks her to stay away. Gayatri sees them fighting so she thinks of using Isha as a thorn between Om and Shivani and break their relationship. She calls Shivani and says something to her. Om gets a call from Shivani askjng him to meet. They reach at the Lotus Palace hotel where Om asks her why she brought him here. Shivani says that he is a special person so the arrangement had to be special. Om says so much wasn’t requirwd at all but Shivani says that it is their first date aftwr the marriage is fixed so this was required.

Gayatri asks Isha to make arrangements for them at a corner and even show them the banquet after their meeting. Isha makes all arrangements for them. Since the candlw gows off in the middle, she goes there and lights it again. Om and Isha sees each others face and behave weird. Syvani asks them if they know each other. Both of them deny to know each other. Isha leaves the area and infoems Gayatri that all preparations are done. Gayatri tells Isha that she knows that she has a problem with Om since he is the guy who stole her ring on the day of engagement but she just wants the wellbeing of this girl. She expresses her concern saying who knows what Om is going to do with this girl since she belongs from a rich family and she definitely knows the kind of person Om is. Shivani excuses Om for a few minutes to make a call when Isha calls her and takes her upstairs asking her time to talk to her for a few minutes. Om notices Shivnai and Isha talking to each other and wonders what is cooking there since he is the villain of Isha’s life. Gayatri watches all of this from a distance waiting for the show.

Episode ends.

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