KumKum Bhagya 11th August 2021 Written Update on SerialGossip.in
The episode begins with Pallavi asking for Rhea ahd Prachi. They both come down the stairs and asks her as to what work she has with them. Dida says that it’s a special day for Pallavi. Pallavi tells them about a woman Rajeshwari who got retired and tells them that she is coming to their house. She doesn’t care what they wear as she is an open minded. But Rajeshwari is a traditional woman and she wants them to get ready wearing a saree. She gives them jewelry and saree asking them to get ready. Teji says that it is not for Rajeshwari only but also this is a competition for keys. Rhea looks at Prachi.
Gaurav is treating himself when Sushma comes there and asks him as to how dare he is to touch his daughter. He says that she has misunderstood him and he has never done anything like she is saying. She tells him that his daughter told him everything. Gaurav says that he is good enough not to fike a case against her as he respected their partnership. She says that he won’t be behind her anymore as the partnership is over now. Gaurav says that no one has signed the papers. Sushma smiles and says that is the difference between him and her daughter. She tells him that he has signed the papers. He remembers as to how he signed the papers. She leaves from there telling him that she is now throwing everyone from his family out now and he can’t come anywhere close to them. His father comes there and slaps him while Gaurav asks him to leave. Aliya comes there abd tells him that she is Abhi’s sister ahd asks him to take out his anger on Pragya. He pushes her out of the house and closes the door even when she tells him that she knows Pragya better ahd she has made a better plan. He closes the door but then he remembers how she has threatened him and how Abhi beat him and opens the door. Tanu comes from behind Aliya.
Prachi comes inside the room and calls her husband and tells him about Pallavi giving her saree and shares her happiness with him. He also gets happy. She says I Love you to him and he tells her that she is distracting him. They both converse for some more time ahd she cuts the call telling him that she has to get ready. She happily twirls.
Abhi is sitting on the sofa thinking about Pragya. Pragya comes there and sees him from behind. He stands up seeing her and asks her about it. She says that wte has some work with him. He sits on a chair and she sits on her chair. Abhi calls and asks to bring coffee. He keeps staring at her. He asks her as to why she asked to bring two coffees to which she tells him for him. He asks her as to why she fired Harish ahd she tells him that he locked him that’s why. The peon brings coffee and they both thank him. Abhi and Pragya look at each other, Abhi gets up to leave and she asks him to drink coffee. They both have their coffee. He tells her as to how she once wanted to fire him but now they both are having coffee together. She tells him that he is serving his notice period. Pragya stands and asks as to what he is doing. He stands beside her and shows her the pallu that struck in the table. He thinks that she is still his Pragya whose heart is on left but is still at right place. He thinks that he wishes to tell her what he has in his heart but he don’t want her to misunderstand. She asks him to bring a stool so that she can take the file. He says he will take it out as she will fall and he will catch and she will misunderstand.
Gaurav asks Tanu as to who she is to which Aliya says that she is Abhi’s wife. He asks them to come inside. Gaurav asks them that he needs to listen to her plan as he feels like it is hard to plan against her. Aliya says that if he is interested in defeating Pragya then they are interested in helping him.
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