Khataron Ke Khiladi 14th August 2021 Written Update: Shweta scared to perform stunt.

Khataron Ke Khiladi 14th August 2021 Written Update on

The episode starts with contestants recalling all that they’ve gone through from the start. Rohit introduces them to Bharti and Harsh who comments about each contestant and finally wishes them luck for their journey. Rohit announces that the stunts are going to be very difficult in the upcoming days. He says that today they are going to perform the toughest stunts and will be moving on to the elimination whoever performs the worst.

He announces the first stunt which was performed by Tejasswi and Karan last year. Karan talked to contestants via video call and shared his experience. Rohit explains the stunt. The contestant will be hanged upside down with leg tied up to a rope. 30 flags will be present inside the water. The contestant will be dipped inside and comes out continuously and whenever they are dipped inside the contestant must collect as number of flags possible. The contestant who collects maximum flags with less time will be announced the winner and the one who least performs will get fear funda. The contestant selected for the stunt are Anushka, Rahul and Vishal. Anushka performs the stunt first but aborts unable to handle it. Rahul performs next and collects all 30 flags. Vishal performs at last but in between he aborted due to his trauma from past stunt. Rohit announces the result that despite aborting Vishal collected maximum flags with minimal time but Rahul completed it with collecting all the 30 flags. Vishal comes second while Rahul becomes the winner. Anushka gets fear funda.

Rohit announces a fun stunt for Arjun and Nikki where they are asked to pick names of the contestant of the next partner stunt. Nikki and Arjun hands will be tied with a handcuff and they must insert inside a box which can have anything like waste or creepy crawlies. Nikki created drama fearing to put her hands in it while Arjun having had enough breaks the handcuffs and picks the list himself. The contestant selected for the partner stunt are Abhinav and Nikki, Mahek and Varun and finally Arjun and Divyanka. Rohit announces that only the winner pair will be safe while the other two pairs will get fear funda in stunt.

Ritvik Dhanjani shares his experience about the stunt in video call. Rohit explains the stunt to the contestant. A platform will be present in the air above water and 13 flags will be hanged to the platform. The contestants will be paired by locking one another’s hands with handcuffs. Current will pass through the flags. After collecting the flags the contestants must break open the handcuff and should jump into the water together to complete the stunt. The pair which collects maximum flags with minimal time will be termed as winner. First Abhinav and Nikki performs the stunt. Nikki doesn’t Co operate even a bit and refuses to move an inch making it difficult for Abhinav. Rohit, contestants and Abhinav tried explaining her so much but she stood adamant disappointing them. Abhinav having pleaded enough breaks open the handcuff just after collecting 1 flag as he couldn’t move forward due to Nikki. Nikki doesn’t Co operate even to jump on water so Abhinav jumps alone. Nikki asks for help to get down but Rohit asked her to stay seated in the platform or jump into water and goes to the next pair. Varun and Mahek performs the stunt with Nikki still on platform. They both Co ordinated well and collected few flags. They both jumped into water as Varun couldn’t handle anymore. Finally Arjun and Divyanka performed the stunt. They both collected some flags too with Nikki still on platform and jumped into water completing the stunt. Rohit announces that Varun and Mahek collected 6 flags while Arjun and Divyanka collected 8. Arjun and Divyanka becomes the winner while Varun, Mahek, Abhinav and Nikki gets fear funda. The contestants leave for the next stunt while team takes Nikki down.

Rahul pranked Divyanka using a ghost prank. Later Nikki gets pranked the same way by Rohit. Rohit announces the final stunt for the remaining two contestants Sana and Shweta. The contestant will be present inside a coffin tied up to a chain with three locks. Rats and nuggets will be poured on the contestants while the contestants must search for the six keys inside the closed coffin. Out of the six keys the locks gets opened by three keys and after opening the locks the contestant must release themselves and come out of the coffin completing the stunt. Shweta aborts even before attempting as she has fear of dark and claustrophobia. Rohit convinces Shweta to take part in the stunt and she agrees finally. Sana performs the stunt first and successfully completes it followed by Shweta. Shweta too completes the stunt. Rohit announces the result that Sana has completed the stunt in 12 min and 6 sec while Shweta completed it in 13 min and 1 sec. Shweta is surprised at her own record and is extremely happy despite getting fear funda.

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