Barrister Babu 31st August 2021 Written Update on
The episode starts with Anirudh and Bondita are working hard in the wedding function. Anirudh carries heavy sacks and he is about to fall at a certain point of time but Bondita gives him support. Anirudh gets happy but he doesn’t stop. Bondita helps him. One girl holds Bondita’s hand and tells her to go inside as Thakuma called her. Bondita and Anirudh get shocked to hear that. That girl takes Bondita inside a room. Anirudh follows them and observes them through a window.
One old lady comes out and Bondita calls her Thakuma without looking at her face. That old lady gets angry and says she is not old Thakuma, she is Kali. She is only Laboni’s Thakuma. Bondita apologises to Kali for calling her Thakuma. Kali says she is evergreen and still boys are crazy for her beauty. Laboni praises her Thakuma Kali. Bondita says she got heart attack hearing the name Thakuma at first. Later she covers it up saying she got heart attack seeing Kali’s mesmerizing beauty. Kali asks Bondita’s name.
Bondita says Rani. Kali says Bondita’s palm lines and face features everything indicate that she is real queen then why she became a maid. Laboni says her Thakuma Kali is horoscope reader. But sometimes the predictions are not appropriate. Kali says though Bondita is maid but she is queen in her lover’s eyes. Bondita feels shy. Anirudh gets happy listening to all of that. Kali tells Bondita to do all the cleaning. Bondita leaves.
Sumati asks Chandrachur and Thakuma that why they didn’t find Bondita yet. Thakuma says Bondita left them and broke their trust again. She will get punished. Sumati gets furious and says she won’t consider Bondita as her daughter anymore. She is dead for Sumati now. Sumati breaks water pot in anger and says Bondita crossed all limits and disrespected her mother so she cuts ties with Bondita. Tapur tells Sumati not to make decision out of anger. Bondita must have some valid reason thus she did all this. Sumati leaves from there ignoring Tapur’s words.
Kali talks to priest about Laboni’s marriage and asks about the holy muhurat. Priest says tomorrow is best day for couples who will get married. If they exchange garlands then all God and Goddesses will bless them. Bondita and Anirudh hear that and they share it with each other. They get delighted and decide to get married tomorrow.
Bondita tells Anirudh she wanted to take her family’s blessings too but it will not happen. Anirudh says he will convince them soon after their marriage. Anirudh says but he has one idea by that Bondita will get Sumati’s blessings. Anirudh tells Bondita to sit under a table with telephone. Anirudh suggests her to call Sumati. Bondita calls in the haweli and Tupur picks up the call.
Bondita says she wants to talk to Sumati. Tupur doesn’t reply as Sumati is there. She makes excuse that her in laws called her. Bondita assumes that Chandrachur and Thakuma are there maybe. She informs Tupur that she will get married to Anirudh tomorrow. She asks for Sumati’s blessings and cuts the call. Anirudh also calls in his haweli and Binoy receives it. Binoy says he is missing Anirudh a lot. Anirudh says he will be back soon.
Sampurna talks to Anirudh and the latter informs her that he will marry Bondita and he wanted their blessings. They are in Chandan Nagar. Sampurna gets overjoyed and says Anirudh has to perform all the necessary rituals for his marriage. Anirudh assures her he will. He cuts the call and tells Bondita that she will look like the prettiest bride ever. Their Baraati will be the stars and Moon will be their special guest. Bondita smiles.
Episode ends
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