Barrister Babu 7th September 2021 Written Update on
The episode starts with Trilochan asking Anirudh what he will choose, Tulsipur’s women or only Bondita. Anirudh recalls his principles and tells Trilochan that he won’t go back to Bondita just how his kaka wants. He won’t support Bondita as well. Anirudh gets emotional while saying all these.
Bondita is sitting upset in Thakuma’s house. Thakuma says thank god Chandrachur found out Bondita. Sumati gets angry and says she doesn’t want to see Bondita’s face as the latter broke her promise and didn’t listen to her mother. Sumati says Bondita doesnt deserve to get her apology. Chandrachur says it’s Anirudh’s planning but Sumati interrupts saying Bondita disrespected her mother so she should be the one who will get punished not Anirudh. Bondita gets shocked to hear that and she looks at Tupur who tricked Sumati. Chandrachur says without Sumati’s support Bondita will not be able to live. Sumati says then she should die. She slaps Bondita for being weak for Anirudh’s love. She says now Anirudh has left her and she is heartbroken for her one wrong step. Sampurna apologises to Anirudh for revealing his whereabouts to Trilochan. She says today Anirudh proved he is a great human being, who can even sacrifice his love for society’s good. Anirudh says he can leave everything for stopping such evil customs. Sumati questions Bondita did Anirudh touch her and used her. Sumati forces Bondita to tell the truth. She says she can’t tell Bondita to swear as she is not trustworthy. Bondita recalls her special moments with Anirudh.
Bondita and Anirudh are spending sleepless night and they cry recalling each other. Anirudh and Bondita think that they love each other a lot. Thakuma says she shouldn’t have allowed Bondita to go out. Chandrachur provokes Bondita to file case against Anirudh as he cheated her. He tells Bondita to set an example for women so that no man can use a woman by making fake promises. Bondita starts writing a letter and Chandrachur thinks he succeeded in instigating Bondita. There Trilochan tells Somnath to spread the news that Anirudh took advantage of Bondita and as a result all villagers will humiliate Bondita’s family and will question her character . Bondita writes that she loves Anirudh and the latter also loves her. Chandrachur asks Bondita has she gone mad. Bondita says she truly loves Anirudh and her heart will never forget him. She can’t live without him. Sumati slaps her and says why she is still talking about Anirudh. Bondita says love can’t be forgotten. She says Anirudh didn’t touch her body, but he touched her soul. His love is pure. Thakuma says if Anirudh loves you so much why he left you. Bondita says there must be some valid reason. Thakuma tells her to not assume wrong things. She tears Bondita’s letter. Bondita says she trusts Anirudh and she believes him. She won’t stop loving him, he is everything for her.
Anirudh stops Somnath from ruining Bondita’s image. He won’t tolerate her insult. He says he loves Bondita and respects her. Trilochan says don’t take her name. They can’t stop him from loving her. Bondita tells Thakuma no matter what you say, I won’t forget my Sakha Babu. Anirudh also says the same to Trilochan. Bondita goes to Dugga Ma temple and picks the sindoor plate. She pours the sindoor on herself. Sampurna applies red color on Anirudh’s cheeks after puja. Anirudh says its the proof he belongs to Bondita. He says Bondita will surely understand his situation that why he left her in mandap.
Episode ends
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