Barrister Babu 21st October 2021 Written Update on
The episode starts with Batuk drinking tea and reading newspaper. Bonditta asks Batuk why are you drinking tea? Bonditta tells Batuk he love coffee and she brought coffee for him. Batuk thinks how will he drink coffee as he feels like vomitting even at the smell of cofee. Batuk shows Bonditta a news in the paper and throws the coffee in his shoes. Sampurna brings laddu for Bonditta and tells her to eat it. Bonditta tells she won’t eat as it is bitter like poison. Tapur tells Thakur Maa always told pregnant ladies to eat this laddu as this is very good for their health. Batuk gets angry and forced Bonditta to eat laddu. Batuk shouts at Bonditta does she not care about the child? Bonditta tells don’t you care about me? Is this a way to feed? Batuk tells child’s health is the most important thing.
Sampurna and Tapur are shocked looking at Batuk’s behavior. Batuk starts laughing and says this is how any father would have reacted for his child’s health but Anirudh won’t do so because he will explain to his Bonditta with love and make her understand she should eat laddu for the child’s health. Bonditta tells she will eat the laddu only if Anirudh eats it too. Batuk tells he can do anything for his kid and starts eating the laddu’s one after another. Bonditta stops him and tells it’s enough. Som and Trilochan comes there.
Batuk tells Trilochan we should get Som and Tapur married. Bonditta is shocked and asks Anirudh he didn’t even discuss this topic with her. Batuk tells sometimes she should let him do what he wants. Trilochan tells the idea is not bad. Sampurna is glad. Trilochan asks Som if he agrees to the relationship? Som tells whatever the elders want to decide. Batuk tells he likes her. Bonditta tells we shouldn’t hurry and let Som and Tapur know about each other. Batuk tells her to concentrate on the child’s health.
Tupur tells Tapur we know everything about Som so why did Bonditta want to know more? Bonditta tells because Som doesn’t know everything about Tupur. Tupur tells what Chandrachur tried to do with Tapur was not her fault and she has already apologised to him for that. Bonditta tells but if don’t tell Som about it we would cheating with him. Tapur tells but Anirudh has agreed to this relationship and he knows everything so why should we worry? Bonditta tells not everyone has a broad mind like Anirudh.
Tapur tells Bonditta she will tell everything to Som but she cannot say all this with her mouth. Bonditta suggests her to write a letter. Tapur tells Bonditta to write that she is going to tell Som about the most bitter truth of her life. She writes to him about the incident with Chandrachur and drop a flower if he thinks she was not guilty. The episode ends with Batuk and Bonditta fighting whether the kid would be a boy or girl.
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