Aangan- Aapno Kaa Upcoming Story: Sheetal’s mother-in-law to insult the family!

Aangan- Aapno Kaa Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on SerialGossip.in

Sony Sab’s popular daily soap Aangan-Aapno Kaa is presently focusing on Awasti’s trying to trap Pappi Mehra and get themselves out of the trouble. In the previous episode, Pappi persists Deepika to sell the land to him. Kusum calls her friend confirming the permission of using the bungalow. Deepika on behalf of Tanvi starts to talk to Pappi about the land.

In the current episode, Sheetal’s mother-in-law arrives. She is shocked and asks them who they are. Pallavi takes her away. Deepika handles the situation by saying Pappi that the house originally belonged to her and currently she is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and that’s why she thinks that the house still belongs to her.

Pappi asks for the papers of the land. Jaydev says to Deepika that they can’t hand those papers as they are false papers and Pappi will be able to identify that. Sheetal’s mother-in-law insults the family and makes them leave the house. Jaydev has found errors in the papers that have to be corrected.

Jaydev gives them sample paper. He informs he knows a lady who can help them to make those. Kusum takes responsibility to get it done and taking disguise comes to the lady. The lady who seems to be very dangerous starts questioning Kusum.

In the next episode we will see, Pappi will come to the bungalow and say to Tanvi and Deepika that it is not easy to hide anything from him. He will say the papers of the land are not appropriate.

What to happen next? Will Pappi get to know about the plan or the Awati’s will be successful?

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