Advocate Anjali Awasthi 19th March 2025 Written Update: Gini confronts Anjali

Advocate Anjali Awasthi 19th March 2025 Written Update on

The episode starts with the Anjali recalling her conversation with Raghav in the hospital. The goons round up Anjali. Anjali asks the goons who are they. One of the goons introduces himself as Pawar. Anjali comments on him. Padma sees the goons rounding up Anjali. Padma goes to call Sapna and Abhay.

Padma comes to Anjali’s house and says to Sapna and Abhay about some goons rounding up Anjali. Abhay worries about Anajli and leaves with Padma to confront the goons.

Anjali tries to leave but the goons stop her. Anjali warns the goons to allow her to leave if not she will not spare them and says she is not in a good mood today. Anjali withdraws her hand from Pawar’s hold and tries to leave. One of the goons tries to attack Anjali from the back. Abhay puts his hand and protects Anjali. Anjali starts beating up the goons.

One of the goons tries to attack Abhay. Anjali protects Abhay from the goons and says to the goons that Abhay is her guest and if anyone wants to harm Abhay they have to go through her. One of the goons takes a photo of Anjali protecting Abhay and sends that photo to Gini.

Gini gets shocked seeing the photo and recalls what Raghav said to her. Gini leaves to Anjali’s house.

The goons run away after being beaten up by Anjali. Sapna asks Anjali why does this always happen with her and hugs her.

Gini comes to Anjali’s neighbourhood and runs into Anjali. Anjali invites Gini into the house. Gini questions Anjali if Abhay is the first person that she told I love you to. Anjali asks Gini why is she asking these things right now. Gini asks Anjali to first answer her. Anjali admits that Abhay is the person that she told I love you to and asks Gini so what. Gini shows the photo of Anjali protecting Abhay and says this is what happens. Gini accuses Anjali of having an affair with Abhay. Sapna asks Gini if she came here to insult Anjali. Gini says she came here to insult everyone. Gini lashes out at Sapna and asks Sapna if she has no shame as she is giving shelter to Abhay. Gini asks Sapna if she wants to prove how close Abhay and Anjali’s relationship is. Sapna comments on it.

Ganesh comes and reprimands Gini and asks Gini if she has no shame to speak to her mother like that. Ganesh asks Gini if her thought is stooped that low. Gini says her thought is not low but it is Anjali who is low as she is having an affair with Anjali.

Anjali says to Gini there is no relationship in between Gini and Abhay. Anjali reminds Gini she is the one who made a relationship with Abhay using her name and lying to Abhay. Gini asks Anjali if she is taking revenge. Anjali says she isn’t taking any revenge and comments on it. Gini asks Anjali then why is Abhay staying here. Ganesh and Sapna say that Abhay is staying in their home and he is a son in law to their family. Gini calls for Abhay.

Abhay comes to Gini. Gini says to Abhay that he wants to divorce her for a long time right. Gini says she will give him divorce. Abhay says he thought for once that she really loves him but it was his mistake to think like that. Abhay says to Gini that she can only love herself and no one else. Gini comments on it.

Episode ends.

Precap:- Aman wakes up from the coma. Anjali says to Aman that she loves him. Abhay overhears their conversation. Abhay calls Gini and says to Gini that he loves her but he says to I Loy you to Anjali in his heart.

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