Anupama 18th June 2024 Written Update: Pakhi accuses Hasmuk

Anupama 18th June 2024 Written Update on

In today’s episode, Anuj thinks about Anupama. He tries to write poetry. Anuj fails to concentrate. There, Ishani returns home. Dimple worries for Ishani. Kavya offers water to Pakhi. Paljo gets angry. Hasmuk asks Pakhi to forgive him. He accepts his mistake. Pakhi refuses to forgive Hasmuk. She says, despite not being a good mother, she loves Ishani. Pakhi says that because of Hasmuk, she would have lost Ishani. Pakhi expects the Shahs to accuse Hasmuk. Anupama asks Pakhi to keep quiet. Hasmuk asks Pakhi to forgive him.

Pakhi asks Hasmuk why he wouldn’t ask Dimple to feed the medicine to Ishani. She says Hasmuk has to put his leg in everything. Pakhi asks Hasmuk why he can’t keep quiet. She gives an earful to Hasmuk. Vanraj asks Pakhi to stop accusing Hasmuk. Pakhi gets adamant. Vanraj says Pakhi is right, and Hasmuk and Leela should not say anything. He asks Leela and Hasmuk to take a rest. Anupama takes Hasmuk’s side. She says Pakhi is misbehaving with Hasmuk, and Vanraj is giving her support. Anupama says Pakhi can make mistakes, but she can’t forgive Hasmuk for his one mistake. Vanraj says Hasmuk’s mistake is unavoidable. Anupama defends Hasmuk.

Anupama asks Pakhi why she didn’t feed medicine to Ishani. Pakhi, Dimple, and Kavya reveal that Pakhi avoided Ishani; thus, Hasmuk gave medicine to her. Pakhi laughs after Anupama accuses her. Anupama calls out Vanraj for taking Pakhi’s side over Hasmuk. He asks Anupama to stay away from their matter. Vanraj asks Leela and Hasmuk to stay away from the kids.

Hasmuk and Leela get emotional. Anupama consoles Hasmuk. Hasmuk says Pakhi is right, as she mentioned that he has to sit in his room. Hasmuk feels helpless. Hasmuk and Leela decide not to become a burden on their kids. Leela agrees with Hasmuk. Anupama feels bad for Hasmuk and Leela.

Anupama asks God not to bring a day where old people have to suffer. She asks God to give happiness to Hasmuk and Leela. Hasmuk wishes to die. Leela says death and life are not in their hands. Hasmuk tries to commit suicide. He thinks about Ishani. Leela stops Hasmuk.

Vanraj stops Anupama from giving a lecture. Anupama asks Vanraj to console Hasmuk. She says Ishani would be happier with Adhik than Pakhi. Anupama says Pakhi should give custody to Adhik. Vanraj decides to raise Ansh and Ishani. Anupama asks Vanraj to stop Pakhi from misbehaving with Hasmuk and Leela. She says Adhik might win custody—Episode Ends

Precap: Anupama decides to cook for the Shahs. Anuj meets Anupama in the market. Adhik asks Anuj and Anupama to reunite.

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