Anupama 29th November 2023 Written Update: Pakhi exposes Dimple

Anupama 29th November 2023 Written Update on

In today’s episode, Anupama asks Anuj to see if Anu has a long syllabus. Anuj asks Anupama why she is reading. Anupama says if she will not study, then how will she make Anu understand? Anuj asks Anupama to take the rest, or else she will fall ill. Anupama asks Anuj to sleep as she is waiting for Pakhi. Anuj says Anupama is unpredictable. He wonders why Anupama scolds Pakhi, and in her absence, she is worrying. 

Adhik asks Pakhi not to create a drama. Pakhi says she is not wrong, and this time she will not keep quiet. Anupama asks Pakhi what is wrong. Pakhi tells Dimple that she is having an affair with Tapish. She asks Adhik to speak. Anupama refuses to believe in Pakhi. Adhik asks Pakhi to stop. Pakhi says Dimple is wrong, and Anupama should confront her. Leela, Malti, Barkha, and Hasmuk ask Pakhi why she is shouting. Pakhi tells Leela that Dimple is having an affair with Titu. Leela refuses to believe. Pakhi asks Leela what is wrong with her. Malti says Leela should have thought before leaving the Shah house. Pakhi claims Dimple is having an affair. Anupama asks Leela to calm down. Malti says Dimple should marry Titu. Leela refuses to accept. She asks Anupama not to even think about Dimple and Titu’s alliance. Pakhi misbehaves with Anupama. Anuj alerts. Anupama asks everyone to go to sleep.

Anupama wonders if one night they will sleep peacefully. Anuj asks Anupama if she thinks Dimple is having an affair. Anupama says Dimple would have told her. She shows her belief in Dimple. 

Tapish drops Dimple into the home. Dimple confesses that after a long day, she had a good day. Tapish and Dimple share a talk. They are stunned to see Vanraj. Adhik says to Pakhi that he can’t believe she is vengeful. Pakhi says she can’t believe Dimple can become a mother. Adhik says Pakhi is jealous because Dimple is pregnant. He feels disgusted. 

Vanraj alerts Tapish. He asks Tapish to stay away from Dimple. Tapish stands stunned. Dimple takes a stand. She says she isn’t wrong. Vanraj says Dimple can work, but he can’t let Tapish roam around. Kavya says Vanraj misunderstood Tapish. Vanraj says he might be wrong, but Tapish is a boy, and he should stay away from Dimple. -Episode Ends

Precap: Malti Devi taunts Leela and Hasmuk over the electricity bill. Anuj says he is not bothered by the bills; then what problem does Malti have? Anupama says to Malti that she has a problem with her politics. Malti says no one can stop her.

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