Anupama Upcoming Story: Anuj decides to make Aadya realise her Mistakes and accept Anupama

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Star Plus’s popular show Anupama is gearing up for high voltage drama and the show is going to witness, many interesting twists and turns.

Hasmuk asks Titu not to worry and tells him that everything will be alright for him with Dimple. He tells him that she will be Happy with him.

Tutu agrees while he and Dimple sits for The Wedding.. Leela and Anupama decides to do the Rituals for them while Vanraj gets Furious and breaks stuff.

Hasmuk tells them not to worry and Vanraj will accept them soon enough. He tells them that everything will be alright sooner or Later.

Aadya gets Furious

Aadya asks Anuj whether everything is alright now to which he says. Yashdeep says that a true Love is supposed to get its Happy Ending.

Anuj and Anupama think about each other hearing him and look at each other to which Aadya watches them and gets furious at Anupama. Titu and Dimple gets Married to each other.

Aadya comes to Anupama and Blames her for coming between Shruti and Anuj. Anupama Rejects Anuj for her to which Anuj decides to make Aadya realise her mistake and accept Anupama.

What will happen Next?

What will Vanraj do?

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