Bekaboo 8th July 2023 Written Update: Ranav died and sank deep inside the Earth.

Bekaboo 8th July 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Ranav hitting himself with the knife and Bela screaming. Ranav said that he loves Bela and wants her to be happy. Then he stabbed the knife inside his heart once more and died. Patali arrived there and was shocked to see Ranav in that state. There was a huge crack inside the earth. Bela held Ranav’s hands but he said that this time she won’t be able to save him and he would never return again. Ranav sank deep inside the earth and Bela kept staring at him sinking. Then the hole inside the earth closed and Patali blamed Bela for his son’s death. She said that now she won’t leave Bela alive. Suddenly Bela was stabbed by Yamini from behind. Bela fell down and Yamini was seen telling that now no one would be able to stop her from sucking Bela’s blood. Patali scolded Yamini for thinking about this at that moment since his brother was dead. She said to Patali that she had learnt this from Patali only. Yamini was about to bite Bela when Bela suddenly woke up and she turned into a pari with her wings spread around. She used her powers and created a wall around her dead mother. Then she held her mother in her arms and vanished. Patali was seen screaming in anger. Bela took her mother’s body into the forest and was seen crying for her. She buried her mother there and apologised to her mother.

After burying her mother, Bela returned back to Pari Lok. Rani Pari was overwhelmed to see Devlekha and hugged her. Bela was seen weeping at Rani Pari’s arms. Rani Pari told her that she knew everything and said that she was happy since Rakshas had left her life. Bela asked Rani Pari why Ranav killed her mother. Rani Pari didn’t tell Bela the truth of Bela’s mother on Earth. Ranav was seen lying unconscious at some unknown place. The Pari’s at Pari Lok were seen making preparations for decorating the palace since Bela was back. Suddenly Bela saw a picture of Rani Pari’s raj tilak where she also saw her mother on Earth there. When she asked the other Paris she got to know of the truth. Rani Pari told her the entire truth when asked by Bela. She said that Deepa never loved Bela and she had always hated Rani Pari and her. Rani Pari requested her to accept her fate. Bela realised that Ranav was telling the truth before his death. After realising this, Bela screamed in pain.

Bela was seen sad and upset recalling the moments she spent with Ranav. The story continues and after three months, Rani Pari is seen asking Bela to get ready for her Raj Tilak. Bela wasn’t ready to become a Rani and didn’t want to take this responsibility. She said that she would definitely help her mother in every way but not become a Raj Pari again. Rani Pari said to her that she was born to take this responsibility and there was no way she could escape this. Rani Pari told Devlekha that before her Rajya Abhishek she would have to get married to a farishta since only then she could become a Raj Pari. Devlekha refused to get married and left from there. Rani Pari asked her servants to make preparations for the marriage and went behind her. Devlekha had an argument with Rani Pari regarding Ranav and her marriage. Devlekha said that she wasn’t ashamed of loving Ranav. Her mother asked her to stop thinking about these things and crying. She was a Rani Pari and now she would have to accept her responsibilities and there was no scope for escape. Hearing this Devlekha started crying. Rani Pari asked to cry as much as she wanted but she would have to accept her responsibilities. She ordered some ladies to prepare her for marriage. After getting ready, Devlekha saw a sandook that was locked. Devlekha recalled a childhood memory of hers where Rani Pari had asked her not to touch that sandook ever again. She wondered what must have been there in that sandook. She opened that sandook and found a book named Puratan Rahasya. She saw that something was written in it about Paris and death. Since Rani Pari was arriving towards her, she closed the book and kept it inside and didn’t let Rani Pari know anything.

After the break, Devlekha came down for her marriage when she could hear Farishta telling that after this marriage, he would rule Pari Lok and that is why he was marrying Devlekha. They sat for the marriage ritual while Rani Pari watched them getting married. After the marriage was completed Devlekha and Farishta took blessings from Rani Pari. Rani Pari came down and suddenly beheaded Devlekha. The episode ends.

Recap : Devlekha would be visiting the place where Ranav’s body would be disposed off and try to bring him back to life.

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