Bhagya Lakshmi Upcoming Story: Rishi shares his Distress with Neelam, Neelam feels Bad

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Zee TV’S popular hit show Bhagya Lakshmi is gearing up for high voltage Drama. The show is witnessing many twists and turns. The show however managed to survive with it’s Storyline.

Rishi Apologise to Lakshmi to which she asks him to take Permission from his Mother and refused to Forgive his Betrayal. She tells him that he has betrayed in The most brutal Way.

She tells him that he had Hurt her and tells him that him getting Malishka is the reason enough to believe that he is an unworthy person and lashes out at him. Neelam Shares Her Stress Rishi thinks about whatever Lakshmi was saying and feels Bad about it as he is not Happy with whatever has happened. Neelam feels Bad as everyone is bad mouthing her Family.

Neelam comes to Rishi and asks him to share with her as to what is bothering him to which he denies saying anything and tells her that he is not Happy. He is in Distress. Lakshmi tries to catch Balwinder to which Malishks asks her whether there is a Problem to which she tells her that she Saw Balwinder. Malishka manages to Fool her Again.

What will Happen Next?What will Malishka do now?

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