Bigg Boss OTT 13th September 2021 Written Update on
Day 36
08:00 PM
Neha says that she has thought Raqesh will cut hers only and she was like why they are doing this. Raqesh is sitting with Nishaht apologising to him. He says it was very tough for him. Pratik comes there and holds Nishant hand and cries. Nishant cries as well. Pratik apologises to him.
08:45 PM
Reshmi and Deboleena comes there. They say hi to each other. Reshmi congratulates them. She asks Nishaht what he is thinking. Nishant says he is getting to OTT. He says he had real connection with Moose. Reshmi says Divya and Pratik have best connection. She says that they should reply to their questions. They call Raqesh and Shamitha. She asks Shamitha whether Nishant left his chance to tickle to finale intentionally. She says yes and he has done that for the audience. She says that he got over confident. Raqesh says he is like that in Nishant. He says he agrees with Shamitha fifty percent. She asks Nishant and says that she felt like he didn’t understand the importance the task. He kind of got over confident. Nishant says he has done reality shows outside. Reshmi says Bigg Boss is different. Deboleena asks Raqesh felt when the connections got disabled. He says he felt like he got the freedom and the audience were lookinh at him in a different way. Shamitha says she agrees and she also got freedom.
She got to hear many words which hurt her ahd when this happened she was relieved. She wanted him to play his game. Deboleena asks them whether they were together genuinely or had no choice. Shamitha says in the beginning it was forced. They both were ditached and later he felt like she was being bossy. Deboleena asks whether their bonding and liking was real. Shamitha says real from her side and don’t know about Raqesh. He says it was not for the show. Deboleena asks them whether they are okay with solo. They both says yes. Reshmi asks Shamitha who shouldn’t be in the show. Shamitha says everyone played the game so she can’t select one person. Reshmi asks who is more deserving. Shamitha says it was unfortunate that Zeeshan left. She says if she knows that her connection is going to fight then she would have stopped him. Divya makes faces. So in that case Divya should have left. Reshmi asks Raqesh. Raqesh says everyone knows his equation with Pratik. He makes more noise. He gets irritated with him. He says one day his volcano burst. Pratik says empty vessels makes sounds and atleast make their presence felt. He says Raqesh judges. He says he fights for whatever he feels is right.
They both get into an argument. Deboleena tells Pratik that he is cute. She asks Shamitha and Raqesh. She asks whether they will give up trophy for each other to which they deny. She asks Nishant and Pratik to bring something from the store room. They bring water bowls. Deboleena asks Raqesh who doesn’t move on in real life. Raqesh says he doesn’t know about Divya. Divya says that she has said that she moved on with Shamitha and she didn’t keep grudges. Raqesh asks her to come because she didn’t move on from last thing as she keeps on saying the past things. Deboleena says the question is for Raqesh. Raqesh asks both Shamitha and Divya to shut up. He keeps Divya’s face in the water. Reshmi asks him who is more stubborn between them. He says Divya and keeps her face in the water. Deboleena asks who is more moody between them. He says Divya and dips her face in the water. Pratik sata that before he said he doesn’t know Divya much but now he is saying everything is Divya. Divya says for the first time she agrees with him. Deboleena asks who is more disrespectful to each other. Raqesh says Divya started it first and she has instigated. Raqesh says they both are disrespectful to each other.
He dips both of their faces. Reshmi asks him who is more boring. He says both are not boring. They asks him to chose one and stop saying he don’t know atleast now. Raqesh dips Divya. Reshmi asks the reason. He says that he was not given a chance. Nishant says now they both got to know who friends and who are not. Deboleena says that once he has said to Divya that Shamitha doesn’t move on. Divya thanks them. Reshmi asks him whom he will not want to see in top two. He dips Divya’s face saying he wants to see Shamitha with him. They asks him who is more hot. They asks the other contestants to which Neha says he finds Divya hotter. Nishant says he said Divya hot. Shamitha asks him in general who is hotter. Raqesh dips Divya. Deboleena says that he says something ahd does something. She asks whether he is honest. Nishant says that if he doesn’t support Shamitha then she will make his life hell but when it comes to Divya she will understand him. Shamitha says Divya is not between them and they both have connection and they both have feelings for each other. She says they are trying to understand each other better. Divya says even she has a boyfriend and they both never talk about each other’s friends.
Deboleena asks Raqesh to say his point of view. Raqesh says he is hoping for their connection to become more in the future as well. Next they call Neha ahd Nishaht asking them to sit on sofa. Reshmi says they will start with Nishaht. He asks whether he shook say about everyone. He says he will start with Raqesh. He says that Raqesh gives up and he is not playing the game. He says Shamitha looks cool to him and she is power packed and he doesn’t understand as to why she is stopping herself. They both had good connection but now they got the reality hit. He says that Pratik has great playing spirit but now he is not seeing his game because he has become more emotional. He is full capable personality to win the game and he has that charm in him. He still love him but he can’t see his game. He says Divya plays alone and he is proud of her. He says she doesn’t take stand. She is a very good player. He then says that Neha talks a lot but when it comes to standing up she becomes bubble gum. Reshma asks Neha whether Pratik is dependent on her. Neha says they are dependent as friends and not in the game.
They both are great friends and Love each other. Pratik says he never depends on any one. He says he has love for Neha and Nishaht. Deboleena asks Nishant who disappointed as personal. Nishaht says Neha and Pratik disappointed him. He and Moose has supported him and he has played for them. They didn’t save him but saved Shamitha and has betrayed him. Raqesh betrayed him as well. He as a friend never took stand for him. Neha says that he has said that he has friendship with Pratik. Nishant says he is more upset with Pratik. He says only Moose, him, Pratik and Akshara used to be nominated and they were together. Pratik broke connection and made connection with Neha and he never stopped him. Reshmi asks Neha who shouldn’t be in the top three. Neha says that she never makes good friends and asks her to never say that she is alone. She then says she is confused whether Raqesh wants to be in the show. Nishant says he sees Shamitha and Pratik in the top two. Nishant says he is with Pratik and they both will go forward. He says he don’t want to see Raqesh in the top two. He then takes Neha because she understood the game late. They call Divya and Pratik next. Reshma asks Pratik with whom he wants to be friends after show and witu whom he doesn’t. He says he wants to be friends with Shamitha, Moose, Nishant, Neha and Millind and he don’t want to he friends with Divya and Raqesh. He is an empty vessel and he don’t want Raqesh to come to him with his volcano. Divya says she wahts to test after leaving. She don’t want to see anyone’s face. She will definitely invite Nishaht and Raqesh for the dinner. Divya says Neha and Pratik are not liking the solo game when asked. She then says Raqesh and Shamitha. Deboleena asks who is undeserving. He says Raqesh because his words are illogical. He says he thinks good for her as well. Divya says to go forward he can use anyone. Reshmi asks them who has come till here on other’s dependency. Pratik says Divya because she would get into everyone to get some support.
He then says Raqesh because he don’t know what he wants to say. Deboleena asks Divya whether she and Pratik had connection then it would have been a different and great connection. Divya says yes because they would have good balance. She says it’s good they are not together. She says they would have been best. Pratik says adding fire is not his thing. So he don’t want be with them. Divya says that he wants ro make friends but then he cuts wire. Pratik says Neha supported him unconditionally but then Moose came into Divya’s words. Pratik says he sees Nishaht and hinself in top two and no one else.
Divya says she sees herself and Shamitha because she says right things. Deboleena says now the enjoyment is done. Reshmi says that Divya would have felt alone. She missed connection her real connection. Because she waited hence she will get fruits. Varun comes there and she cries hugging him over the glass. Divya asks him to talk with her. Varun says ge has never seen someone as smarter as Pratik and he bitches about everyone. He then tells Neha to play for herself. He then tells Raqesh that he liked him before but now he don’t have to scream and don’t have to be scared of anybody. He says thar seven are doing better things. He says he is also in the game because they spoke a lot about him. He says to Shamitha that she has judged their relationship saying they won’t end up together. He says everyone bitched about everyone. Varun tells to Pratik that they all were together in space and at one point they forgot the game and got connected. He says he never wished anything bad for him. He is still his friend and they lost a brother. They were genuinely happy for him and they didn’t understand as to why he has become like that.
Varun asks him to think about the old times. He says that he pampers Divya a lot and she is more like a child for him. He felt helpless. Divya cries hearing him. Varun tells Shamitha that Pratik told her a thing and the thing is they became friends after that. Pratik is a good guy. He asks Pratik to talk with Divya and sort out with her. He asks Shamitha who says that she had good friendship with her in the beginning and she has supported her but she called her dominating. Varun calls Divya and she runs to him. He asks her to play with a smile like a tiger. He says he loves her and they both kiss each other over the glass. Varun leaves from there. Reshmi wishes them all the best and says they enjoyed a lot. She says they wants to give something to the most genuine lady and asks Pratik to bring the hamper of Lotus from store room. They give it to Divya. Divya reads the letter from the Lotus. She reads about the products. Deboleena and Reshmi asks them to fight and clear things out.
01:30 PM
Shamitha says she don’t know how not to depend on the people she loves. Neha says they all are together in the house. Shamitha says she has decided that she don’t want to take decision in the house and at first she wants ro talk with her family and if they says he is wrong for her then she will think.
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