Chashni 15th March 2023 Written Update: Maanav warns Tarun

Chashni 15th March 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Manav confronting Tharun about his actions. Tharun tries to manage the situation but Manav lashes out at him for scolding Chandini, without her mistake. He clearly saw that Chandini’s name wasn’t on the night shift chart. Then how would he change her name? Tharun says to him that the chart changed at the last moment. The staff tried to contact her. It was her mistake she didn’t attend it.

Maanav says to him that it’s better to accept Chandini as his co-worker. If he doesn’t like her to stay away from her, no need to be a friend of hers. But he couldn’t allow him to treat her like an enemy. Tarun says that he just did his duty as her boss. Maanav says to him that he can’t allow him to use his power and authority against Chandini. If he tries to hurt her again using his power, then remind it, that he is the boss of Tarun. He gives a stern warning to him and leaves.

Meanwhile, Chandini receives her uniform and feels emotional. She caresses her uniform and checks Sanjay’s photo. She shares with him that she became a fire fighter. She will fulfil his desire. Later, Bindu pays the bill to the doctor. The doctor says to her that she paid money asap. He doesn’t deserve to live but she is trying to save him. Sanjay pushes the staff and runs away. Bindu is shocked to learn it. Sanjay escapes from there.

Raunaq is talking with the real-estate agent. He asked a blue print of this area. He needs the permission of the fire department. Sanjay collides with Raunaq. He apologizes to him and hides behind the car. Raunaq collects the blue print and is about to leave. Sanjay hides in the dicky. Meanwhile, Chandini wears her uniform and comes out. Manav appreciates her appearance.

Tarun asks Chandini to check whether all the fire equipment is working or not. Bindu doubts Sanjay Chopra going to the fire station. The doctor asked the police to file a complaint. Bindu asks the god to save him. Meanwhile, Roshini attends the class. The teacher questions her about the subject. She says to him that she got the books late. She will cover up the subjects asap. The teacher insults her by bringing Sanjay’s past.

Roshini gives a fitting reply to him for personally attacking her. He lashes out at her. Meanwhile, Raunaq reaches the fire station. Sanjay notices the fire station. Raunaq talks with Chandini in Telugu. He complaints that she is Chopra’s daughter so she might talk with him sweetly. She is showing an attitude to him instead. Sanjay recalls his past and notices his bike. He caresses it. Chandini notices him and walks near him. Someone calls Chandini him. Sanjay hears her name and tries to follow her. He hears the siren sound and hides.

The hospital staff inquire whether Raunaq notices him and alerts the staff. Sanjay scolds him for not helping him. Later, Bindu learns that they caught Sanjay from the fire station. Vandana inquires her how she got money for the hospital bills? She says that she used her pension amount. Raunaq asks the staff to handle him well. Chandini and Sanjay stare at each other. Chandini feels connected to him.

Episode ends

Precap; Chandini will grow suspicious. Roshini will argue with Chandini that they are struggling because of Sanjay Chopra’s deeds. Chandini will inquire the hospital staff about Sanjay. Raunaq will inform her that she met her father once. Chandini will meet with the accident. Farhad will create a scene after learning that Sanjay is alive.

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