Dadi Amma Dadi Amma Maan Jaao Upcoming Story and Written Update

Dadi Amma Dadi Amma Maan Jaao Upcoming Story and Written Update 25th March on

Episode begins with Rekha tries to call the goon and gets worried thinking what will happen to her if anything happened to pradhan’s. Anjali, Shlok reaches hospital and shocks seeing Shraddha’s condition. Shraddha cries hugging Anjali. Doctor says Dadaji is out of danger but Dadi and Vikas condition is still critical. Shraddha, Anjali gets worried for Vikas and Dadi.

Doctor says they are not able to save Vikas but Dadi is stable now. Anjali, Shraddha shatters hearing that, Dhruv feels disappointed with himself. Shraddha blames herself for Vikas death and says he saved her from goons that’s why he is no more now. Dhruv tells Sunderlal that Shraddha was keep calling him but he didn’t attend her call and asks Sunderlal to forgive him. Prabhas calls Rekha and informs about Vikas death.

Rekha calls the goon and scolds her for bringing more goons and attacking pradhan’s when she asked her to just scare them and tells about Vikas death. Goon asks Rekha to not call again says the money Rekha gave them is in pradhan’s house only now.

Rekha thinks if police got that money then she will be caught and decides to take that money from pradhan house without anyone’s knowledge. Doctor says after finishing the formalities they can take the dead body. Anjali fights with Doctor for referring Vikas as dead body. Shraddha apologize to Vikas for not saving him and says they have to hide about Vikas death to Dadaji and Dadi because they can’t handle the truth right now.

Anjali says Shraddha is right and without their knowledge they have to perform Vikas’s last rituals. Doctor says Dadaji wants to meet his family. Anjali and Shlok goes to meet Dadaji. Sunderlal asks Dhruv to go with Shraddha to police station to give statement. Dadaji asks about others and tells whatever happened with them.

Anjali says Dadi is fine and Shraddha went to police station to give statement. Dadaji asks about Vikas? Anjali doesn’t able to speak anything and Shlok says Vikas too went with Shraddha. Anjali asks Dadaji to stop talking because Doctor told he need rest now.

Namrata asks what Rekha searching in pradhan house from long time and says Sunderlal informed her that they are bringing Vikas dead body here only .
Rekha says they have to clean the house to perform last rituals and asks Namrata to help her. Police says if Shraddha called them on time then this incident could be avoided. Dhruv asks him to not talk unnecessary things. Shraddha asks Dhruv to stay silent.

Dhruv thinks because of him everything happened, when he himself not able to forgive him then how Shraddha will forgive him. Sunderlal calls Shlok and asks him to bring Anjali to pradhan house to start Vikas last rituals. Shraddha gives details about those two ladies to police.

Precap – Shraddha informs Anjali that Dadaji left from hospital to reach home. Anjali says Dadaji should not know about Vikas’s death.

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