Dhruv Tara Upcoming Story: Uday Bhan to change his mind due to Samrat’s ploy?

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Sav TV show Dhruv Tara starring Riya Sharma and Ishaan Dhawan has been launched recently. The storyline is unique, something which the audience never experienced before. A love story which combines two people belong to different cultures and generations will entertain the audience undoubtedly.

Princess Tara Priya wants to cure her brother’s disease by taking Dhruv’s help who is a certified doctor. After gaining his trust she finally took him to Vallavgarh. What kind of challenges Dhruv will face in Vallabhgarh that will be interesting to watch.

In previous episode, Uday Bhan confronts Tara and for Dhruv for trying to outsmart him. Dhruv says they are guilty but he doesn’t regret for choosing Tara as his assistant. She has the capabilities to become a doctor. Samrat objects to that saying men and women are different by nature and they are noone to give them equal rights.

Men are strong and women are not. Dhruv starts a debate with him and finally convinces the king to give chance to the commoners to decide if Tara can become his assistant. Samrat says they will not support it and King should dominate the commoners always. Dhruv objects to that as well and Saraswati supports him too.

There Samrat tries to manipulate Tara saying people will call her characterless for touching men in the name of treatment but she remains adamant to prove her worth to public. There Saraswati doubts if Tara will get the allowance or not else she will have to forget her dreams forever as per Uday Bhan’s order.

In future episodes viewers will see Samrat and Rajpurohit will execute a plan by removing Radha idols from all the temples at Vallavgarh. He will put the blame on Tara’s ambition and Uday Bhan will get influenced. He will decide to not give a chance to Tara to prove her potential.

Will Samrat win in the end?

To know what will happen next in your favourite shows, stay tuned to this space.

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