Doree 10th February 2025 Written Update: Rajnandini kills Neelu

Doree 10th February 2025 Written Update on

The episode starts with Ganga walking on the road. A biker hits Ganga on the back of his head with a rod. Ganga loses consciousness on the road.

Doree comes to the fashion show venue looking for Ganga but she doesn’t find him. Doree comes onto the road and finds a crowd talking about someone being dead. Doree goes to check it out. Doree sees it is Neelu and gets shocked. Doree asks the crowd what happened.

A person from the crowd says he saw a man stabbing Neelu. Doree asks the person who is it. The person points to Ganga who is unconscious under the tree.

Doree comes to Ganga and asks Ganga what happened. Doree asks Ganga to open his eyes. Ganga opens his eyes and says to Doree how he is walking on the road and someone hit him on the back of his head.

The decoration vendors ask Anand for their money. Sattu and Paro return home. A person comes to Anand and says to Anand that some people found Neelu’s dead body on the side of the road.

The crowd at Neelu’s dead body talk about sending Ganga to jail and they call him a murderer. Doree argues with them. Rajnandini and Deep see Ganga is father of Doree.

It is shown Ganga decides to tell Doree about Neelu’s deal with Rajnandini. Rajnandini sees Neelu all alone and acts as if she is agreeing with Neelu. Rajnandini stabs Neelu in the back after hugging her. Ganga witnesses this and says he will go and call the cops. Rajnandini calls Deep and says to Deep that she needs his help.

It is shown Deep is the one who hit Ganga on the back of his head with an iron rod and later puts him on a stretcher. Rajnandini puts the wooden weapon in Ganga’s hands. Rajnandini asks Deep to put a few of his men in the crowd to tell everyone that he killed Neelu. Deep agrees.

Rajnandini asks Deep why did she kill that woman. Rajnandini says to Deep that she killed Neelu for her as Neelu was blackmailing her that Deep has to marry Paro if not Neelu will send Deep to jail. Deep asks Rajnandini why has she framed Ganga for this murder. Rajnandini says to Deep that Ganga is the father of Doree and says to Deep that with this they can take revenge on Doree.

Dadi and Ambica return home. Pushpa asks Ambica and Dadi if what she heard about what happened at the fashion show is true. Ambica comments on Pushpa. Dadi sees their house Tulsi plant has been dead and she thinks of it as a bad omen. Pushpa comments on it saying what Rajnandini and Deep have done with that girl is really wrong. Ambica manhandles Pushpa and warns Pushpa to never speak ill of Deep or Rajnandini.

The cops come to Neelu’s dead body. The people in the crowd say to the cops that Ganga is the murderer and he killed Neelu right infront of them after arguing with her. Doree defends her father saying Ganga would never do that. Anand and Paro come to Neelu’s dead body and they cry. The cops take Ganga to the police station.

Rajnandini asks Deep to do buy whoever he has to buy and wipe off the stain that Doree has put on them. Deep agrees.

Doree comes to the police station to look for Ganga. The police inspector says to Ganga she will not be able to meet Ganga and asks Doree to hire a good lawyer for Ganga. Doree decides to do it.

Episode ends.

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