Doree 20th June 2024 Written Update: Anand’s cunning move

Doree 20th June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Ganga thinking about the priest words. He recalls his moments with Mansi. Nani comes there. He says that he is aware what she wanted to talk with him. He can’t marry Mansi. Nani says that he is Doree’s baba. Mansi and Ganga did manythings for Doree. If they are together then they can protect Doree. Ganga says that he is aware Mansi’s married life isn’t well but he can’t marry her for that. Doree says that she needs her family. She already left her mom because of her bad father. She asks him to convince Mansi. She is also worried about it. Meanwhile, Neelu and Anand are walking on the street holding their hands each other. She says that we are going in a wrong path. Anand pushed Neelu to a stranger and get money from him. Neelu asks him what’s he doing? Anand says that she is his wife from today. Neelu asks him what’s going on here? Anand says that she needs a protection. He is going out of Banaras. He needs money for it. He says to him that she loved him a lot. He even get rid of her baby. He given medicine to her. Neelu scolds him for snatched her baby from her. She shouts on him. She warns that she won’t leave him.

Yash says to Mansi that god is giving another chance to her to get happy. She is going to marry him for her daughter Doree. She needs both her parents love. Mansi asks him how will she marry him? Marriage is a pure relationship. She is aware that Anand is a bad person. How will she break her relationship with him and marry Ganga. Yash says that Anand is a monster. She shouldn’t think about him. He asks her to accept this new life. He will makes her happy. Mansi says that he deserved a wife, who will love him. Mansi says that she can’t do this to Ganga. Doree brings Ganga there. She says to Mansi that she refused to marry baba on that day because she wants to protect her. She isn’t in danger now.
She says that she needs both her parents love. Mansi says that Anand filled her hairline again. Neelu says that it wasn’t vermillion but red chilly powder. Neelu winces in a pain. She asks her what happened to her? Neelu says that she deserved it. She informs her that she exchanged vermillion with redy chilly on her wedding.

Neelu says to Mansi that it wasn’t a real wedding. Its a fake wedding. She says that he is a monster. She adds that Anand tried to sell her. He tried to abort her baby. She winces in a pain. Doree asks Ganga to take her to the hospital. Meanwhile, Yash gifts a new dress to Flora. She scolds her for not buying her favourite color dress. She gets anger at them. Later, Mansi is getting ready for her engagement. Doree helps her. She praised her beauty. Mansi says that no one evil eyes falls on her. She says that she will get married to baba asap. Baba is waiting for her. She takes her out of the room. Anand sneaks into the room. He thinks if she thinking it’s all hers. He will take everything from here. He packed her keeps in his bag. Meanwhile, Yash scolds Flora. Sudha sends her out. She says that we have to raise her in a well manners. She will change asap. Later, Vansh missed Anand. He heard Rukmani’s voice. He thinks that dadi’s voice is coming from this side. He opens the door. Meanwhile, Nani starts the engagement rituals. Vansh thinks what’s this place. He never came here before. Rukmani shouting for help. Anand notices Mansi and Ganga are going to get engaged. Doree expressed her happiness with her parents. Vansh is shocked to see Rukmani is tied to the chain. He shouts ghost and runs from there. Yash leaves to check it. Nani asks them to exchange the ring. Anand points the gun at them. He shoots Mansi.

Episode end

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