Ghum Hai Kisi key Pyaar Meiin 18th June 2024 Written Update: Bhawar Patil kills Kiran

Ghum Hai Kisi key Pyaar Meiin 18th June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Isha assuring to Shikha that nothing will happen to her. Bhawar Patil asks the doctor to start the treatment. Isha says to Bhawar Patil that Shikha is having contractions due to anxiety and says she needs hot water. Bhawar Patil asks Isha to just give an injection. Isha says the injection will have bad effect on the baby. Savi asks Bhawar Patil to help Shikha. Bhawar Patil asks Shukla to go and get hot water. Shukla agrees. Savi asks Shukla to not put steel in the microwave and asks him to use glass and signals that things might go dark. Shukla goes to a side and understands Savi’s message and puts steel utensil in the microwave. The lights go off.

Bhawar Patil asks what is going on. Savi says how will they do Shikha’s treatment in this darkness. Chinmay says there is extra light in his dance room and says he will go and get it. Bhawar Patil gives a gun to Ayush and asks him to make sure Chinmay doesn’t do anything smart. Ayush agrees.

Savi says to Ishaan that she is doing all of this so that she could get some time and asks Ishaan to think of a way so that he can save everyone. Ishaan agrees.

Ayush points the gun to Chinmay. Chinmay steals the gun from Ayush and brings him to chemistry lab. Kiran comes with a gun and points to Ayush. Kiran says to Chinmay that Savi saved his life so it is his duty to save Savi’s family. Chinmay ties up Ayush in the chemistry lab and they leave from there.

Kiran brings Chinmay to Bhawar Patil. Kiran makes up a reason for Ayush not being here. Kiran says to Bhawar Patil that he should think about taking Phere. The lights get turned on.

Bhawar Patil takes Savi to take Phere. Ishaan asks Reeva where is the hologram. Reeva says it’s in her bag. Reeva takes her bag from Swati and gives her bag to Ishaan. Ishaan takes the hologram. Inder says to Ishaan that he can help him from escaping here. Inder says all the people will stand infront of him and he will sit with them and move away from here. Ishaan agrees. Ishaan sits with the cops when the Bhosle Institute students stand infront of Ishaan and cops as a wall. Ishaan moves to the side little by little. Kiran sees Ishaan. Kiran winks at Ishaan and asks him to leave. Ishaan turns on the hologram and leaves from there.

Chinmay gives the chloroform to Durva and asks Durva to to give it to to their family to knock out Bhawar Patil’s goons.

Ishaan gets into the air duct to hide from the CCTV footage. Ishaan calls the commissioner through Surekha’s watch. Ishaan says to the commissioner about what is happening here. The commissioner says he knows what is going inside and says Isha is wearing spects through which they can see what is going on inside. The commissioner asks Ishaan to first cut off the CCTV footage. Ishaan agrees and cuts off the CCTV footage. Ishaan sees a bomb and tells the commissioner about it. The commissioner makes Ishaan speak to the bomb squad yo defuse the bomb. Ishaan defuses the bomb under the bomb squad instructions. The bomb squad says to Ishaan that he should find main bomb and defuse it so that he can defuse all the bombs in the institute at once. Ishaan agrees.

Ishaan finds the main bomb and defuses it under the bomb squad instructions. The Bhosle family are shown to be knocking out Bhawar Patil’s men one by one.

Ishaan stops Bhawar Patil from taking Phere. Bhawar Patil
Threatens Ishaan to leave him if not he will blow the bombs. Ishaan asks his family not to worry and says he refused all the bombs. Bhawar Patil tries to blow the bombs but anything doesn’t happen. Kiran comes to Bhawar Patil and slaps him and says if he didn’t hurt him Ishaan wouldn’t have escaped from here.

Mandar seeing this takes Shikha hostage and asks Ishaan to release Bhawar Patil. Ishaan releases Bhawar Patil. Bhawar Patil takes his gun and comments on Ishaan. Bhawar Patil first kills Kiran and sends his body outside to warn the cops not to enter into the building. Bhawar Patil later beats up Ishaan. Isha shouts Ishaan’s nick name.

Episode ends.

Precap:- Mandar reveals that Isha is Ishaan’s mother. Bhawar Patil comments on her. Bhawar Patil shoots Ishaan but Isha comes and takes the bullet for Ishaan.

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