Ghum Hai Kisi key Pyaar Meiin 29th April 2024 Written Update: Savi slaps Ishaan

Ghum Hai Kisi key Pyaar Meiin 29th April 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Savi saying to Ishaan that he thought she will leave this house once Harini gets better. Savi comments on herself as she felt love for the murderer of her family. Ishaan asks Savi to stop calling him a murderer. Ishaan says he regrets what happened at that time. Ishaan says he wishes he was dead instead of her family. Ishaan says he feels guilty that’s why he married her and says he sacrificed his love for her. Ishaan requests Savi to stop calling him a murderer. Savi comments on Ishaan as he is trying to give an explanation to prove that what he did is right. Ishaan says he is trying to tell her what happened the real truth. Savi comments on Ishaan saying if he can’t even feel his own parents feelings how will he feel her feelings. Ishaan comments on Savi and calls her an ungrateful person. Savi slaps Ishaan and says this is for hiding the truth from her, for playing with her feelings and for killing her family members. Surekha and Yashwant comment on Savi and says they shoul throw Savi out of this house. Savi says she will leave this house on her own.

Shikha, Ashmita, Reeva and Anvi try to stop Savi but she don’t listen to them. Savi leaves the Bhosle mansion.

Savi breaks down in the middle of the road and says to Ishaan in her heart that she hates him. A car driver pulls Savi to a side and asks her to stay here. The car driver leaves from there.

Savi walks on the road and runs into a book stall. The books drop on the floor. Savi sees that there are UPSC books and thinks about her family. Savi puts those books back. A guy comes and says to Savi that she will not be able to do it and says he will put all of those books back. Savi later leaves from there.

Savi looks at the monument of Virat and Sai and thinks of the promise Ishaan made to her.

Surekha comments on Savi and calls her an ungrateful person. Yashwant later questions Ishaan why did he need to do all of this. Yashwant says to Ishaan that he could have told them what happened and says they would have handled it instead he went and married Savi. Yashwant says they could have given money to Savi and sorted out this matter. Chinmay asks Yashwant how much would he have given Savi and asks Yashwant how much money would he put to Ishaan, Surekha and others. Yashwant asks Chinmay to stop his non sense. Chinmay asks Ishaan to face the truth and comments on him.

Surekha asks Chinmay to shut up. Chinmay says to Surekha if he doesn’t raise voice for Savi then he would have been called an ungrateful person.

Savi dreams of Harini. Harini asks Savi what is she doing. Harini asks Savi how will she manage all of these things. Savi comments on Harini as she married her to a murderer of their family.

Reeva comes to Ishaan and asks Ishaan why didn’t he tell the truth to her. Ishaan says to Reeva that he doesn’t want to talk about this.

Savi thinks of her mother’s words.

Episode ends.

Precap:-Savi looks at her parents photo and thinks once Ishaan made a promise that he will support her dreams but today she learnt that Ishaan backstabbed her.

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