Ghum Hai Kisi key Pyaar Meiin 29th June 2024 Written Update: Savi makes a suggestion to Rajat

Ghum Hai Kisi key Pyaar Meiin 29th June 2024 Written Update on

The episode starts with Isha stopping Bhagyasree when she raises her hand at dog. Bhagyasree argues with Isha about the dog. Savi overhears their argument. Savi says to Rajat that she will first go and stop their argument. Savi says she will signal him and says he can come out after that so that Saisha will not wake up. Rajat agrees.

Savi comes out and asks Isha what happened. Bhagyasree complaints to Savi about chocolate ruining her food items. Savi apologises to Bhagyasree for chocolate’s behaviour. Savi asks Isha to come with her and says she needs to talk to her about something. Savi takes Isha away from there.

Isha asks Savi why did she call her here. Savi says to Isha that she will pour water to the plants. Savi signals Rajat that he can go inside. Rajat agrees. Isha sees Savi signalling Rajat and thinks Savi is in a relationship. Shantanu gets surprised seeing Savi watering plants. Savi leaves from there. Shantanu asks Isha why is Savi watering plants as Savi has stopped doing it seven years ago. Isha says someone came into Savi’s life and comments on it.

Runmai talks with her boyfriend over the phone. Savi catches Runmai and asks Runmai who is she talking to over the phone. Runmai cooks up a story. Rukmani asks Savi to leave about her and asks Savi if she met Rajat. Savi says yes. Savi recalls Rajat’s behaviour and says she doesn’t know if Rajat is caring or not. Runmai says to Savi that if she needs to understand someone she needs to meet him again and again. Isha overhears it and asks Savi what are they talking about. Savi says there is nothing and comments on it.

Rajat brings Saisha to his home and puts her to sleep. Rajat notices the bracelet of Savi in Saisha’s hand. Savi recalls about Rajat and thinks she needs to talk to Rajat about Saisha.

The next day, Savi gets ready to go to her school. Savi sees Isha making her favourite food. Isha says to Savi that she will bring her favourite food to school at lunch time. Savi agrees and leaves from there.

Rajat leaves to work and he is shown to be in the lift. Savi asks the lift to stop. Rajat stops the lift for Savi. Savi gets into the lift. Savi says to Rajat that she would like to talk to him about Saisha but some people come into the lift and she gets interrupted. Savi accidentally falls on Rajat and his coffee spills on him. Rajat scolds the people who came into the lift as due to them Savi fell on him.

Savi stops Rajat and says to Rajat that she would like to talk to him about Saisha. Rajat says he is busy right now and he will talk to her in lunch break. Savi asks Rajat to come to coffee shop outside the school. Rajat agrees.

Aman talks about buying a golden bracelet for his girlfriend. Rajat comes and asks Aman why is he buying a golden bracelet. Rajat makes up a reason for it. Rajat thinks about Savi’s bracelet and asks Aman to a ladies golden bracelet for him also. Rajat asks the story behind the coffee stain. Rajat says it’s a boring story and comments on it. Aman leaves the room so that Rajat can change his suit.

Runmai comes to Aman her boyfriend. Runmai and Aman talk to each other. Runmai and Aman decide to take Rajat and Savi’s help so that Aman and Runmai could get married.

Rajat waits for Savi at the coffee shop. Isha sees Savi going into the coffee shop to meet Rajat.

Savi apologises to Rajat for being late. Savi says to Rajat that Saisha is feeling a little lonely and says to Rajat that he needs to spend some time with Saisha. Rajat says to Savi that she is thinking too much and says to Savi to stop being worried about Saisha. Savi asks Rajat about Saisha’s mom. Rajat gets furious and reminds Savi that she is just a teacher and asks Savi to stop trying to be a mother for Saisha. Rajat leaves from there in anger.

Episode ends.

Precap:- Rajat thinks Savi is trying to get close to him using Saisha and misunderstands her.

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