Ikk Kudi Punjab Di 15th March 2024 Written Update: Teji proposes Ranjha’ for marriage

Ikk Kudi Punjab Di 15th March 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Ranjha smiling and Teji questions him the reason for same. Heer is at same jewellery Store to mortgage her accessories. Jasmin tries to make Gurmeet realise his responsibilities and taunts him for his bad drinking habits. She reminds him that soon he is going to become father of another child. Heer notices someone with turban and misunderstands that it’s Ranjha. She feels relieved to see it’s not him and mentality apologises to Ranjha for keeping this truth hidden from him but decides to do this work herself.

Heer takes the money in return for keeping her jewellery. While she is leaving, Ranjha notices Heer but he thinks it might be his misunderstanding. Teji questions Ranjha if he forgot something, he says he had thought that he left car keys but it’s with him only. Jasmin gives Gurmeet swear of their unborn child and asks him to admit the truth. Gurmeet tells that Beant has got kidnapped and all this is happening because of his. He feels guilty and begs Jasmin for apology. He also tells about Heer arranging money by selling her jewellery. Jasmin thinks Heer is going to face the goons by herself.

Ranjha and Teji reach the new restaurant opening and congratulates Simmi who tells that Rajwinder had informed about them coming so she has booked table for them. Ranjha tries to deny to have dinner but Teji ends up agreeing so they sit together at table for dinner. Teji thinks of Rajwinder’s words about asking Ranjha for marriage. They get served pizza and Teji asks Ranjha if he likes it. Ranjha gets flashback of his memory with Heer when she wanted to have pizza but outlet did not deliver to their place so Ranjha ended up making one by himself for Heer . Ranjha smiles thinking of it.

Ranjha thinks restaurants do not make pizza so well but then feels it’s because of Heer’s absence as everything feels better with her. Teji questions Ranjha that he had confessed to Heer sometime back and if he still feels the same. Ranjha thinks he should keep Heer’s image so he ends up lying that they are only friends. Ranjha goes to washroom and Teji writes on tissue asking Ranjha if he will marry her and hopes he will agree.

Ranjha keeps calling Heer and gets worried when she still doesn’t receive it. On other hand , some goons ends up stealing Heer’s bag with money. Ranjha picks up the tissue and says it must be proposal of someone. Teji stops him and says its written by her for him. Ranjha gets shocked and drops it. He leaves from there being upset. Sunny and Simran tell Ranjha not to without informing them as they get scared of losing him. Ranjha promises never to leave them. Teji tells Ranjha that her kids never got love of father but seeing him with them she realised he is filling up void of father’s place in their life. The episode ends with Ranjha demanding some time from Teji to make a decision.

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