Imlie 17th August 2023 Written Update: Kia and Akash decide to impress Anu

Imlie 17th August 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Imlie praying to Sita Maiya that Rana’s have many questions to ask as she allowed Arto to leave. But she knows her plan will work. She asks for strength from God. Kairi prays that her mother’s all wishes will be fulfilled. She asks Imlie why is she crying? She feels Arto made her cry and she goes to find him before Imlie could stop her. Kia feels scared and tells Akash that Anu might throw them out of the house like she threw out Arto. She says Imlie has sharp brain and senses conspiracy beforehand so they have to keep eyes on her to get all information about her. Kia and Akash plan to give all information to Anu about Imlie to become her right and left hand.

They notice Imlie is talking to Arto over phone call and says she is missing him. Kia catches her and asks why is she talking to Arto secretly when Anu doesn’t like it. Rana’s come there and Kia realises Imlie didn’t call Arto but she was faking to call him as Kairi is missing her father. Divya says they are all worried for Arto except Imlie. Imlie doubts Kia wants to give all information to Anu about her. Kia gives excuses that she doesn’t want Anu to torture Arto more if he comes back because of Imlie. Imlie says she knows Kia is upto something wrong.

Akash says Kia’s plan failed so what would they do now. Kia says they can make masala tea for Anu. He says but Kia doesn’t know how to cook. She requests Imlie to make masala tea for her. Imlie thinks it’s Anu’s favourite so maybe Kia is trying to impress her. She makes spicy tea with lots of chillies to teach a lesson to Kia. Akash tastes the tea and gets shocked. Imlie enjoys watching their situation as they wanted to fool her. She gives ideas to Kia and Akash to dress up like five star staffs. Anu will surely be impressed.

Kia and Akash surprise Rana’s with their outfits and Imlie tells them to work extra to impress Anu more. Kia and Akash clean the house and also iron all clothes. They get tired and Kia says they have to find another way as she can’t work anymore. Imlie misses Arto and looks through the window. Devika says she only asked him to leave then why is she searching for him now. Imlie goes to give medicine to Rudra but Devika says she will manage. Kairi says she is angry with the baby as Arto left because of her/him. Imlie tells her not to say that as the baby doesn’t have idea about anything. Shivani asks Imlie whats her plan behind letting Arto go. Imlie says she can’t share right now but they will get to know on right time.

Imlie looks for Kia and Akash and they both go to talk to Anu who is relaxing with the face mask. Akash says they have to throw Imlie out after Arto. She is cunning. Anu says she is pregnant so she cant plan anything now. She says she will settle in abroad after selling the house and property. She asks for help from Kia and Akash and promises to give them commission. Imlie overhears that and drops a flower vase by mistake. She runs away before Akash and Kia could see her. She bumps into Arto outside and he saves her from falling.

Precap- Imlie falls down and shouts in pain. Arto rushes to her and he also gets injured after falling down.

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