Imlie 24th September 2023 Written Update: Agastya puts forth a condition before marrying Noyonika

Imlie 24th September 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Imlie pleading the doctor to give the medicine for Aasu and she will pay the fees after some days. Mama also requests the doctor but the latter says they can’t give them anything for free. Its against their policy. Agastya overhears the conversation and he leaves before Imlie comes out of the room. The bar manager comes to ask Imlie if she arranged the money? Imlie says no and she decides to give private performance in a Seth’s house for earning money. Manager says they can misbehave with her and he can’t send her there taking risk.

She says she believes in Radharani and Krishna Ji. They won’t let anything go wrong with her. She gets to know that some well wisher has paid the fees for Aasu’s medicine. Imlie and Manager get happy to know that. Aasu refuses to take the bitter medicine and he tries to break the bottle. Doctor tells him not to do that. Aasu runs away from the ward and is about to slip but Agastya saves him outside. Aasu thanks him for saving him. He starts crying as he doesn’t want to take the medicine for it’s bitter taste. But everyone will scold him if the bottle breaks. Agastya recalls his childhood days with his brother who fed him medicine after narrating a story. He tells the same story to Aasu and the latter takes the medicine. He hugs Agastya and says he is really impressed by him. He calls Agastya as Catchu which means who can catch things well and also he is like his Chachu. Agastya smiles at him and leaves hearing Imlie’s voice.

Imlie finds Aasu and asks him why he left the ward like that. Aasu tells about his Catchu and Imlie gets happy to know that he took the medicine because of Agastya. She thanks Agastya in mind without knowing who he is. There Govind sings song and Dadi stops him. Agastya asks why she stops Govind from singing always. Dadi diverts the topic and again insists Agastya to give consent for marriage. Sonali and Amrit talk to each other about Agastya’s marriage. Sonali says if Agastya marries Noyonika then she will plan to take over the business and Amrit wishes to enjoy with Imlie when Agastya and Sonali both will be busy.

Agastya denies to marry Noyonika as he doesn’t want to ruin someone’s life to fulfil his dream. Dadi leaves upset and then suddenly pretends to fall sick. Agastya panics and Dadi keeps saying she wants to feed her grandchild. Agastya goes to take her medicine and Dadi reveals to rest of the members that she is acting to convince Agastya for marriage. She gets caught later by him and he finally gives consent for marrying Noyonika. He puts forth a condition that he will ask her if she is ready to marry him by her choice or due to family pressure. Because there’s a difference between asking for someone’s permission and forcing him/her.

Precap- Imlie decides to tell the truth to Agastya and calls him. He starts saying something else to her.

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