Imlie 8th September 2023 Written Update: Choti Imlie gets adopted by a rich couple

Imlie 8th September 2023 Written Update on

The episode starts with Imlie telling Arto that she is looking for her daughters in the NGO and they will be found soon. She thanks the couple who gave her lift. She asks a lady about her daughters who have just come here. The lady tells her to wait. There the couple talks to the manager regarding adoption. He promises them to give the baby and the lady tells the manager that the mother of the children have arrived. What they should do now. The manager says the couple waited so long to get a baby from their NGO and if they refuse now then they will be in trouble. They will not receive the huge donation from the rich couple. He notices Imlie and says her own condition is not good, how would she take care of the kids.

Manager further tells the lady to bring Choti Imlie for the rich couple so that they can adopt her. Imlie gets disappointed knowing her children are not in the NGO. She thinks how is it possible. She leaves and there the lady walks holding Choti Imlie in her arms. Kairi notices her mother and tries to call her from the locked room. But one lady from the NGO keeps hand on Kairi’s mouth so that the latter fails scream.

Imlie senses like Kairi called her. She rushes to find her kids again but unfortunately the couple takes away the baby and leaves the NGO. Choti Imlie’s bangle drops on the way. Kairi gets rid of the lady after biting her hand. She runs to stop the couple from leaving with Choti Imlie. Imlie finds the bangle of her child and prays to get her back soon. She finally sees the couple is leaving in their car with her baby. She tries to stop them but in vain. Kairi hugs Imlie and says her sister is gone. Imlie complaints to the NGO people that how can they give her child to someone else. The manager says Manchandas already applied for the legal adoption and now Choti Imlie belongs to them as per the procedure.

Arto gets furious hearing that and he goes to beat him for giving their child to someone else. He says he will file police complaint against them for doing fraud. The manager apologizes and adds he will give the address of Manchandas to them. He also says to Ranas that the couple will stay at their farm house at first before going home but he doesn’t know the address of that. Ranas get worried.

Precap- Choti Imlie performs at a bar and rejects a big offer from a businessman.

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