Iss Ishq Ka Rabb Rakha 25th March 2025 Written Update on
The episode starts with Ranbir asking Meghla if she is fine before the latter answer, Meghla is asked to go inside for the next round. So Ranbir and other’s gives their well wishes to Meghla. The latter goes inside. The judges round begins. Judge Rajinikant asks Neha to perform a particular song. Neha performs it. Everyone enjoys while Meghla struggles with her throat. After her performance, Adrija cheers for Neha, so Param taunts her. Adrija gets annoyed.
The host asks the judges opinion about Neha’s performance. All of them praise her. The special guest tells other contestant that Neha is the tough competitor for them. Afterwards, Siddharth asks Shreya to perform Rahman sir’s song. Shreya agrees and performs it. Both Siddharth and Antara enjoy Shreya’s performance while Rajinikant doesn’t show any emotions. Neha smirks, looking at Meghla’s poor condition. Everyone applauds for Shreya’s performance. The host asks the judges opinion. Both Siddharth and Antara praise Shreya while Rajinikant advises Shreya. Next, Antara gives Piyush a song to perform it. Piyush agrees and performs it. Antara gets emotional hearing it. After his performance, Antara praises him. Siddharth praises Piyush, but he also says there is a scope that Piyush can give his best. Rajinikant then praises Piyush, saying the latter never disappointed him.
Siddharth then asks Sachin to perform a song from one of his inspirations. Sachin obliges, saying even the singer is his inspiration, too. He then performs the song. After the performance, everyone applauds for Sachin. The host asks the judges opinion. Siddharth praises Sachin’s performance. He adds that Sachin voice suits the selection of his song. Both Antara and Rajinikant say that Sachin is improving himself.
Here, Simran tells her family it’s turn for their Meghla’s performance. Meher says that she is nervous, so Ranbir comforts her. Param asks Meher not to worry, saying their Meghla will perform well. Antara decides to give a challenge to Meghla, but Rajinikant asks her to allow him to give a challenge to Meghla. Antara agrees. Rajinikant asks Meghla to perform a Maa Durga’s mantra in folk style. Everyone gets shocked hearing it. Arjun says that he won’t spare Rajinikant, but others calm him down. Anurag says that he understands Rajinikant’s real motive. He also adds that Meghla won’t disappoint him.
Siddharth questions Rajinikant’s challenge for Meghla, but the latter defends his act. Meghla intervenes and agrees to perform it. She then performs the song. Everyone gets awestruck by her performance except Neha and Adrija. Neha gets worried, wondering whether her plan may backfire. Just then, Meghla struggles to continue the song, which shocks everyone. Rajinikant, Adrija, and Neha look extremely happy. Rajinikant says to Meghla that the latter fails to complete his challenge, so she is disqualified, but Siddharth defends Meghla and asks Rajinikant to consider Meghla’s performance. But Antara intervenes and takes Rajinikant’s side, saying it will be unfair for other contestants if they don’t disqualify Meghla. The host says to the special guest that he has to the power to save Meghla. Ranbir prays God to give Meghla one chance while Meghla looks hurt.
Precap: The host says that after receiving so many calls, messages, and emails from audiences, Meghla is joining the competition back as a wild card entry, which makes Meghla and her family happy except Adrija. Both Adrija and Neha fumes in jealousy.