Jagriti 13th March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in
The episode starts with Suraj reminding Kalindi that if she will complaint about him to Kalikant then he will also complaint to Kalikant that she raised her hand on Jagriti and comments on it. Kalindi hearing it leaves from there. Jagriti thanks Suraj.
Bindi allows each house to take 5 buckets of water of they can play Holi. The bomb is shown to be under the water tap:
Suraj and Jagriti come to Chitta community. The bomb squad is shown to be searching for bomb in the Chitta community. Suraj and Jagriti search for the bomb in Chitta community. The Chitta people ask Suraj and Jagriti what are they searching for. Suraj says to Bindi that they do not need to answer them in anyway and comments on it. Suraj reminds Bindi of their status. Jagriti asks Suraj why doesn’t he tell them about the bomb. Suraj says it will be a problem if the Chitta people know about the bomb. Jagriti says to Suraj that their life is also in danger and they have the right to know about this. Suraj comments on it.
Sapna says to Akash that they should buy new clothes as it is Holi and he shouldn’t say no to her. Kalikant says to Akash that he will buy clothes for Sapna if she wants it. Kalikant later says to Sapna that she should not be near Holi Ka Dahan and says it is considered inauspicious for the new bride to be near Holi Ka Dahan. Kalikant asks Kalindi to pass this information to Jagriti and Suraj. Kalindi agrees.
Jagriti explains to Chitta people that they are checking everything for their safety and asks the Chitta people to understand. Bindi comments on it. Suraj reminds Bindi that Jagriti is daughter in law of Thakur mansion. Bindi comments on it. Jagriti asks Suraj to stop acting like they are his slaves. Jagriti says to Suraj this is 2025 and says everyone deserves respect. The bomb squad comes and says to Suraj and Jagriti there is any bomb in the Chitta Community. Suraj and Jagriti hearing hearing it suspect Chauhan has lied to them.
Suraj and Jagriti return home. Kalikant reprimands Suraj as Kalindi clearly told him that it is considered inauspicious for the new bride to be near Holi Ka Dahan. Kalikant asks Surah why has be brought Jagriti here. Kalindi comments on Suraj. Suraj understands Kalindi has lied so that he will be scolded. Kalindi lights Holi k Dahan. Jagriti gets scared seeing the fire. Suraj comforts Jagriti and tries to control her panic attack. Kalindi pours oil into the fire to make Jagriti get a panic attack. Kalikant asks Suraj to take Jagriti to his room. Suraj agrees and takes Jagriti away from there. Suraj brings Jagriti and puts her on bed.
The next day, Jagriti wakes up and sees Suraj holding her hand and asks Suraj if he was like this the whole night. Suraj asks Jagriti not to give too much importance to herself and comments on it.
Bhairav reveals to Rohan and Suman that he is thinking about going to Kalikant’s house to meet Jagriti. Rohan asks Bhairav to be careful and comments on it. Bhairav comments on it. Bhairav thinks he is going to Kalikant’s house to remind Kalikant of his dark deeds.
Kalikant and Kalindi wish Happy Holi to each other. Jagriti comes and wishes Happy Holi to Kalikant. Kalikant asks Jagriti where is Suraj. Jagriti says Suraj has gone to college and makes up a reason for it.
Akash wishes happy Holi to Jagriti. Kalikant asks Akash to apply Holi colour to Jagriti’s feet and then wish her happy Holi. Akash agrees and tries wishes Happy Holi the way Kalikant told him. Arjun and Avni throw water balls at Jagriti and wish her Happy Holi. Kalikant asks everyone to get ready to go Chitta community.
Suraj comes and plays Holi with Arjun and Avni. Jagriti later asks Suraj if Chauhan has told him anything. Suraj says Chauhan is only saying that a bomb blast will happen. Jagriti asks Suraj what if Chauhan is telling the truth.
Episode ends.