Jagriti 23rd March 2025 Written Update: Suraj and Jagriti are left in the jungle

Jagriti 23rd March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Kalikant praising Suraj as he made the KK constructions hotel building permission get passed. Mahesh Jha says to Kalikant that it is not the building plan of a hotel but the building plan of a school. Kalikant says to Mahesh Jha that he is making a mistake and says the building is about a hotel not school. Mahesh Jha says to Kalikant that he is sure it is a school building plan and comments on it.

Kalikant puts a sword to Suraj’s neck and asks him why did he put the school building plan in place of hotel building plan. Suraj says to Kalikant that he didn’t do it. Kalikant asks Suraj if he didn’t do it then who has done it. Jagriti sees the blood coming out of Suraj’s neck. Jagriti says to Kalikant that Suraj isn’t at fault and says she is the one who is at fault. Jagriti says to Kalikant that last night she went into Mahesh Jha’s office and swapped the hotel building plan with the school building plan. Kalikant comments on Jagriti. Kalikant gets ready to punish Jagriti but he gets a call from his party leader saying that everyone is talking about him as he is building a school for the Chitta people. The party leader says the party has decided to give him a higher post due to it. Kalikant thanks the party leader and cuts the call. One of the servant says to Kalikant that a guy has come to meet him. Kalikant goes to meet him.

The security guard comes to Kalikant and apologises to Kalikant. The security guard says to Kalikant that he knows Mahesh Jha came to comaplaint about him to Kalikant. The security guard says to Kalikant that he works as a security guard outside Mahesh Jha’s office and last night a girl broke into Mahesh Jha’s office and when he tried to catch her she ran away from him and says the girl was really good in jumping and running. Kalikant thinks about Chitta Jagriti hearing it.

Kalikant comes to Jagriti and asks Jagriti who gave her the right to change his decision without his permission. Jagriti says because she knows he will not agree to her request.

Kalindi manhandles Ganga and asks Ganga to tell Jagriti what should a Thakur family daughter in law do. Ganga says says a Thakur family daughter in law needs to cook food for their husband and keep him happpy. Jagriti asks Kalikant what about how should husband behave and comments on it. Kalindi asks Jagriti how dare she talk back to Kalikant and she raises her hand at Jagriti. Suraj catches Jagriti’s hand. Kalikant comments on Suraj and Jagriti. Kalikant takes Suraj and Jagriti to punish them.

Kalikant brings both of them to the jungle and creates a circle around them with firing bullets. Kalikant warns Jagriti and Suraj that if they step out of this circle it will be bad for them and leaves from there.

Jagriti apologises to Suraj as he is punished because of her. Suraj comments on it. Jagriti later leaves the circle and goes into the jungle. Suraj follows her. Kalikant’s henchmen video calls Kalikant and shows everything what is happening here. Kalikant thinks Jagriti Chitta knows every part of the jungle and if Jagriti is the Jaggu he knows then he will not spare her. The video call gets disconnected due to bad network.

Jagriti sees the Ramphal tree ands has there is a temple here. Suraj worries about Jagriti recalling her past.

Episode ends.

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