Jagriti 27th March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in
The episode starts with all the guests giving an applause for Jagriti and Bhairav’s dance.
Jagriti says to Suraj that she doesn’t even want to see Bhairav’s face. Bhairav says to Jagriti that he knows about it. Bhairav says to Jagriti that he came here to give her these photos that belong to her past. Jagriti says she doesn’t know these people as she doesn’t recall her past. Suraj asks Bhairav to leave from here. Bhairav says he will leave but before that he asks Suraj to make a promise that he will always protect Jagriti. Bhairav tries to make Suraj put his hand on Jagriti. Jagriti stops Bhairav and says to Bhairav that he needs to make the promise that he will not think about hurting Suraj again. Bhairav agrees and says he promises that he will not hurt Suraj again. Suraj gets shocked seeing it as he hesitated to make the promise but Jagriti didn’t think one bit to become his shield. Suraj promises Jagriti that he will always protect her. Bhairav later leaves from there. Suraj comforts Jagriti. Sapna sees Jagriti and Suraj together and thinks if Suraj and Jagriti get together then they will give a tough competition to Akash. Sapna leaves from there.
Akash asks Sapna why is she looking upset. Sapna brings Akash and shows to Akash how Suraj and Jagriti are together. Sapna says to Akash this is how a wife and husband should be together and comments on it. Sapna and Akash leave from there.
Jagriti looks at the photos. Jagriti sees a photo of Geeta. Suraj says Geeta is her mother. Jagriti says that she wants to know about her past. Suraj says he will help her. Akash comes to Suraj and Jagriti. Suraj puts the photos back in the envelope. Akash says to Suraj that he is going to Delhi on some work. Suraj comments on it and later leaves from there.
Akash says to Jagriti that she can tell him if she needs any help. Jagriti comments on it.
Sapna shares her concern with Kalindi saying if Suraj and Jagriti get together they will give a tough competition to Akash. Kalindi says they can do something so that the image of Jagriti and Suraj will be bad infront of Kalikant. Kalindi says Jagriti was looking pretty upset in the party and asks Sapna to find out about it. Sapna agrees.
Jagriti thinks of how to recall her memory. Jagriti looks for her laptop charger. Sapna comes to Suraj and Jagriti’s room but she doesn’t find them there.
Jagriti comes to Suraj in the kitchen and asks Suraj for her laptop charger as she wants yo see in the internet how to recall her past. Suraj says he has a friend who is a doctor and he told him a trick on how to recall memory. Suraj says he will tell her once they eat the food. Suraj says he will make Pulao for her. Suraj cooks the food.
Episode ends..