Jhanak 11th March 2025 Written Update: Mrinalini gives a befitting reply to Bipasha

Jhanak 11th March 2025 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode begins with Arshi tells Aniruddh that her child would have been with her if he did not give responsibility to Jhanak that night in the hospital then. Aniruddh tells Arshi he already said Jhanak is not responsible for anything. He says Srishti told Jhanak to stay in the hospital that night. Jhanak tells Aniruddh that she will leave the house today. Aniruddh tells Jhanak that he doesn’t want her to leave, but he won’t stop her. He asks her to get permission from Choton and Mrinalini before leaving. He says he knows Jhanak won’t listen to him.

Arshi asks Aniruddh to stop talking to Jhanak secretly. She blames Jhanak for her child’s death. Jhanak asks Arshi to not say like that. Aniruddh tells Arshi not to blame Jhanak like this. Arshi asks Aniruddh how he can defend Jhanak when she is in pain. Aniruddh tells Jhanak to go and take a rest instead of listening to all this. He tells Arshi to take a rest. Arshi tells Aniruddh that she won’t tolerate his nonsense. She says she will get therapy and dance again. She tells Jhanak that she will prove she is a better dancer than the latter. She leaves from there.

Jhanak tells Aniruddh that she will leave the house today. Aniruddh tells Jhanak that Arshi is insecure; that’s why she’s behaving like this. He asks Jhanak to not go. Jhanak tells Aniruddh that her fate doesn’t let her live the way she wants and leaves from there.

Mrinalini asks Choton why he did not get ready for university yet. Choton asks Mrinalini how he can go to university and inquire about exams at this age. Mrinalini tells him not to do anything because she did wrong by expecting this from him. Choton promises to go to university tomorrow. He asks her not to get angry. Mrinalini tells him to do whatever he wants. Choton hugs her and makes her smile. Bipasha comes there and says Arundati called Mrinalini downstairs. She asks them how they can romance early morning at this age and laughs. She insults them.

Mrinalini tells Bipasha to stop it. She says there is no importance for Bipasha in her life. She warns Bipasha not to cross the limits. She asks Bipasha to not show interest in Choton’s life. Bipasha asks how Mrinalini can say that. Choton asks Bipasha to not stoop so low. He tells her to apologize to Mrinalini and leave from there. Bipasha refuses. Mrinalini says she doesn’t want Bipasha’s apology. She orders Bipasha to knock on the door before coming. Bipasha leaves from there.

Arshi tells Srishti that she can’t tolerate Jhanak, and she wants to dance as soon as possible. Srishti asks Arshi whether Jhanak did anything else. She tells Arshi that she thinks Jhanak is responsible for the latter’s death. Arshi tells Srishti that the latter should not have accepted Jhanak as a daughter. Srishti accepts she did wrong by doing that. She tells Arshi that she acted to control Jhanak. Vinayak hears everything. Srishti sees Vinayak. She tells Arshi that she will talk later and disconnects the call.

Vinayak tells Srishti that he heard everything. He asks her whether she really pretended to accept Jhanak as a daughter. Srishti tells him it was not an act. She says she said it like that for Arshi’s sake. Vinayak tells her that she blamed Jhanak in the hospital. Srishti tells him that she was angry at Jhanak. Vinayak tells her that she still blames Jhanak unnecessarily. Srishti tells him that she is getting late and leaves from there.

Bipasha tells Arundati that they should celebrate Holi to change the atmosphere. Arundati asks Arshi to tell her opinion. Arshi says she doesn’t have any problem. Tanuja says they should celebrate Holi because they faced so much. Arundati asks Bipasha about Mrinalini. Bipasha says she was insulted by Mrinalini.

Mrinalini comes there and says she is not Jhanak to tolerate others taunts. Shubhankar says Mrinalini started showing her true face. Tanuja tells Choton to tell Mrinalini to not try to become their teacher. Mrinalini says she scolded Bipasha because Bipasha misbehaved with her. She reveals what all Bipasha said. Shubhankar tells Mrinalini to stop it because it’s embarrassing. Mrinalini asks how can Bipasha say all that.

Arundati says, Let’s talk about Holi. Mrinalini calls Jhanak to come. Anjana tells Mrinalini that Jhanak is making tea. Mrinalini asks why Jhanak should make tea for everyone. She tells everyone to make their own tea; if they can’t, then they should go out to drink tea.

Episode ends.

Precap: Jhanak tells Arshi not to talk about her marriage again. Arshi says Jhanak is still waiting for Aniruddh.

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