Jhanak 15th June 2024 Written Update: Jhanak and Anirudha gets into argument over Rahul

Jhanak 15th June 2024 Written Update on SerialGossip.in

The episode starts with Jhanak having conversation with her friends at college and they tease her for being famous because of her advertisement. They suggest her to continue her work. Rahul thinks there is big surprise for her and he will also go with her to Kolkata as said by Anirudha. He thinks Jhanak could not confess her love to but said it to Anirudha. They are called inside room for examination. Anirudha waits outside Jhanak’s university and wonders why he thinks so much for her. Jhanak comes outside and complains about examiner being strict to Rahul.

Jhanak tells that it’s really important for her to pass. Rahul tells Jhanak to come to canteen but she says Anirudha may be coming . He suggests to call Anirudha at canteen too. Anirudha notices them coming out from university and calls Jhanak. He gives food he has brought for her and her friends. She feels emotional saying no one brought tiffin for her ever. Jhanak asks Anirudha to have food too but he tells her to worry about her own future rather than him. He tries to act rude and leaves from there. Rahul thinks whether he should tell Jhanak about going to Kolkata with her.

Rahul decides to talk to Jhanak and hesitates to tell her. He asks her why she told Anirudha but not him directly. Rahul says Jhanak that he told her that she loves him and even wants them to get married after exam ends. Jhanak gets shocked and bursts in anger. She questions Rahul why he agreed to marry her and is feeling sympathy for her. But Rahul confesses that he loves her. However, Jhanak says that they are best friends and cannot get married. Rahul apologises to Jhanak. While Anirudha waits for Jhanak to return after examination.

Anirudh’s parents worry about their name getting maligned in society because of Anirudha and Jhanak’s marriage truth. Anirudha gets shocked to see that all students have left but Jhanak is no where. Rahul asks Anirudha why he lied to him . He tells Anirudha that he has got no right to insult him and says him to talk to Jhanak directly. He tells Anirudha that he does not belong to rich family like him and angrily disconnects the call. Anirudha understands that Rahul might have told Jhanak about marriage. He misunderstands that Jhanak loves Rahul and is upset because he made the decision himself.

Jhanak comes to hotel room and feels angry about Anirudh’s decision to get Rahul and her married . She thinks she came from back door to avoid Anirudh’s help and wants to leave her live herself. Jhanak clarifies to Anirudha that Rahul is only her friend and why he feels so affected by whats happening in her life. She asks him to leave from her life forever. The episode ends with Jhanak saying Anirudha that she has no feelings for him.


Jhanak will tell Anirudha that she wants freedom from him. She will say that she is married for the world and which guy will marry her after knowing this past.

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